Version 1.3
- Offline service
- Redesigned the taskCreateMenu
- When creating a task there will now be a little loading-icon-indicator to show when it's being uploaded.
- Added the ability to remove assignees and tags from a task.
- Implemented the adding of taskHolders for tasks that have to be rendered but whose taskHolder isn't yet created.
- Some small visual changes, including the tagCircle's new look.
- Made the date-popup assume that when entering for example '15 august', it will choose the next one, instead of the one that has already been passed.
- Added 'are you sure'-messages to 'dangerous' actions, like removing or leaving a project.
- The 'Planned'-taskholder in the project-tab will be collapsed by default now
- Inline project-creation
- Redesigned the invite system:
- Bind link-user to actual user