A self-hostable server that provides a JSON API for checking spelling and grammar mistakes programmaticaly in texts.
JSON API wrapper around LanguageTool with support for batching.
POST /check
Content-Type: application/json
{ "text": "string" }
POST /bulk-check
Content-Type: application/json
{ "texts": ["string"] }
// An array of results like POST /check for each text in the same order
// A human-readable explanation describing the error. This may contain one or more
// corrections marked up with <suggestion>...</suggestion>.
"message": "string",
// A shorter human-readable explanation describing the error or an empty string if no such
// explanation is available.
"shortMessage": "string",
// Position of the start of the error (in characters, zero-based, relative to the original
// input text).
// (integer)
"offset": 42,
// The length of the error
// (integer)
"length": 42,
// The text fragments which might be an appropriate fix for the problem. One of these
// fragments can be used to replace the old text
"replacements": ["string"],
// The type of the rule match:
// - UnknownWord (Spelling errors, typically red)
// - Hint (Style errors, typically light blue.)
// - Other Other errors (including grammar), typically yellow/orange
"type": "UnknownWord",
// The matching rule
"rule": {
// A string used to identify the rule in e.g. configuration files. This string is supposed
// to be unique and to stay the same in all upcoming versions of LanguageTool. It's supposed
// to contain only the characters A-Z and the underscore.
"id": "string",
// Optional, mostly used for XML rules (pulled from there to all rules for uniformity)
"subId": "string",
// Optional, mostly used for XML rules (pulled from there to all rules for uniformity) For
// XML rules, this returns the file that this rule was loaded from
"sourceFile": "string",
// A short description of the error this rule can detect, usually in the language of the
// text that is checked.
"description": "string",
// The ITS Issue type
// - terminology
// - mistranslation
// - omission
// - untranslated
// - addition
// - duplication
// - inconsistency
// - grammar
// - legal
// - register
// - locale-specific-content
// - locale-violation
// - style
// - characters
// - misspelling
// - typographical
// - formatting
// - inconsistent-entities
// - numbers
// - markup
// - pattern-problem
// - whitespace
// - internationalization
// - length
// - non-conformance
// - uncategorized
// - other
"issue": "terminology",
"category": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
docker run -p 8080:8080 ghcr.io/flycode-org/langauge-tool-server
- Clone the repository
- Make sure to set the correct Google Cloud project before deploying with
- Deploy to App Engine:
./gradlew appEngineDeploy