- A Javascript Library to Play MIDI files in a web site using the WebMIDIAPI.
- Based on the project WebAudioFont https://github.com/surikov/webaudiofont by Sergey Surikov.
See https://fraigo.github.io/javascript-midi-player/midiplayer/
You can download the Javascript files and directly include in your project:
<script src='WebAudioFontPlayer.js'></script>
<script src='MIDIFile.js'></script>
<script src='MIDIPlayer.js'></script>
Also, using the online version:
<script src='https://fraigo.github.io/javascript-midi-player/midiplayer/WebAudioFontPlayer.js'></script>
<script src='https://fraigo.github.io/javascript-midi-player/midiplayer/MIDIFile.js'></script>
<script src='https://fraigo.github.io/javascript-midi-player/midiplayer/MIDIPlayer.js'></script>
Load from different sources
var fileInputPlayer = new MIDIPlayer('filesinput'); // fileinput id
var blobPlayer = new MidiPLayer(fileInput.files[0]) // load file/blob
var httpPlayer = new MidiPLayer("songs/song1.mid") // load from URL (for crossdomain files, must pass CORS policy)
(boolean) to enable/disable playback loop (Default:true
(boolean) to enable/disable debug messages (Default:true
to start playing in the current position.pause()
to pause at the current position.stop()
to stop playback and reset to initial position
to handle loading files (eg: to start playing).ontick(song,position)
to monitor playing (position in decimal seconds).onend(song)
to detect the ending of playback
<script src='https://fraigo.github.io/javascript-midi-player/midiplayer/WebAudioFontPlayer.js'></script>
<script src='https://fraigo.github.io/javascript-midi-player/midiplayer/MIDIFile.js'></script>
<script src='https://fraigo.github.io/javascript-midi-player/midiplayer/MIDIPlayer.js'></script>
<div id='cntls'>
<input type="file" id="filesinput" name="filesarr[]" accept=".mid,.midi,.kar"/>
<button type="button" onclick="player.play()">Play</button>
<button type="button" onclick="player.pause()">Pause</button>
<button type="button" onclick="player.stop()">Stop</button>
<input id="position" type="range" min="0" max="100" value="0">
<input type="checkbox" id="autoplay" checked onchange="autoplay=this.checked">Autoplay
// autoplay flag
var autoplay=true;
// create the player object using a file input by id or DOM Element
var player=new MIDIPlayer('filesinput');
// register the onload function to start playing
player.onload = function(song){
if (autoplay){
var pos= document.getElementById("position");
// the tick event is triggered in every position change
var pos= document.getElementById("position");
// the end event is triggered when the song ends
console.log("End", new Date())
// stop playing when the window is unfocused
console.log("Blur", new Date())
new MIDIPlayer(source)
Create a new MIDIPlayer object. You can use: * A file input id or a file input DOM element reference * A file/blob reference * An URL (must pass CORS policy for external domains)
Start/Resume playing an already loaded file.
Pause playback.
Stops playback.
Sets the current position (in seconds).
Sets the current volume (0-100) of a track.
[float] MIDIPlayer.getPosition()
Returns the current playback time (in decimal seconds).
** MIDIPLayer.onload(song)** To handle song load. You can use .play() after this event
** MIDIPLayer.ontick(song, position)** To handle every song tick. You can use it to monitor playback and current position.
** MIDIPLayer.onend(song)** To handle song playback end.