MyFoody is an application where you can share your food recipes with other people. At the same time, you can find recipes depending on what you want.
Check the deploy!
Login - As a user I want to be able to log in on the webpage so that I can get back to my account
# - As a user I want to # on the webpage so that I can see all the events that I could attend
Logout - As a user I want to be able to log out from the webpage so that I can make sure no one will access my account
Home - As a user I want to check all the new recipes so that I can see all the recipies.
Search - As a user I want to be able to search recipes so that I can found what I want faster.
Filters - As a user I want to filter recipes so that I can focus on what i need.
Add To Favs - As a user I want to store my favourite recipes so that I can acces faster to them.
Remove Favories - As a user I want to delete my favororite receptes from my favs.
See Favorites - As a user I want to be able to see my favorite recipes in a list
Add a Recipe - As a user i want to add a recipes so that I can share with others.
Edit a Recipe - As a user I want to edit a recipe so that I can update data.
Remove a Recipe - As a user I want to remove a recipe so that I dont want it anymore.
List of other features outside of the MVPs scope
User profile:
- Fav slide
- Own Slide
- Like totales
- Followers
- Gamificación
Geo Location:
- What can I eat in my zone?
- I like this recipe. Redirect me to amazon plz.
- More Filters.
- Rankings
- GET /auth/#
- redirects to / if user logged in
- renders the # form (with flash msg)
- POST /auth/#
- redirects to / if user logged in
- body:
- username
- password
- GET /auth/#
- redirects to / if user logged in
- renders the login form (with flash msg)
- POST /auth/#
- redirects to / if user logged in
- body:
- username
- password
- POST /auth/logout
- body: (session Id)
- GET /
- renders the recipes list
- redirect to /auth/# if user is anonymous
- GET /recipes/add
- redirect to /auth/# if user is anonymous
- renders page
- POST /recipes/add
- redirects to / if user is anonymous
- body:
- title
- image_url
- author_id
- classification []
- ingredients []
- cooking time
- description
GET /recipes/:id/edit
- redirect to /auth/# if user is anonymous
- renders the page -POST /recipes/:id/edit
- redirects to / if user is anonymous
- redirects to / if user is not the owner
- body:
- title
- image_url
- author_id
- classification []
- ingredients []
- cooking time
- description
- views
- likes
POST /recipes/:id/delete
redirects to / if user is anonymous
redirects to / if user is not the owner
- body:
- id
- body:
- GET /user/:id
- Dont show favourites if the user :id dont match session id
- render user profile
- POST /recipes/:id/favourites/
- redirects to / if user is anonymous
- body:
- id
- GET /?search
- query:
- string
- query:
- GET /?filter
- query
- String
- query
User model
username: String
password: String
id: ObjectId
favRecipes: [String]
ownRecipes: [String]
likes: Number
Recipe Model
id: ObjectId
photoUrl: String
authorId: ObjectId
classification: [String]
ingredients: [String]
cookingTime: Number
description: String
views: Number
likes: Number
Comment Model
id: ObjectId
timestamp: Date
like: Number
dislike: Number
comment: String
authorId: ObjectId
recipeId: ObjectId
### Git
[Repository Link](
[Deploy Link](
### Slides
[Slides Link](