This is a simple chatbot application built using the OpenAI API. The chatbot can respond to messages from users and generate a response using GPT-3.5 or GPT-4.
To get started, first clone this repository:
git clone
Then navigate to the project directory:
cd purrfectGPT
Install the necessary dependencies using NPM and start the Expo development server by running:
npm i && npm start
You can then launch the app in your preferred environment, whether it be an iOS simulator or Android emulator, or on your physical device using the Expo app.
To use the OpenAI API, you need to provide an API key and organization ID. You can obtain these by signing up for OpenAI at Once you have your API key and organization ID, replace the contents of .env.sample
with the organization ID and API key.
Lastly, rename .env.sample
to .env
Once you have the app running, you can start chatting with the chatbot. Type your message in the input field and hit "Send" or the Enter key to send your message. The chatbot will respond with its own message.
Contributions to this project are always welcome. To contribute, fork this repository and create a new branch with your changes. Once you're done with your changes, submit a pull request and we'll review it as soon as possible.