Emojis is an application that includes ideography and smiley which can be used to enrich other messages in electronic messages and websites. This github repository is a project with various emojis. You can support us if you think it is an emoji that is not listed. As in the example, you just need to make a pull request
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©️ Copyright Sign
®️ Registered Sign
™️ Trade Mark Sign
ℹ️ Information Source
↩️ Leftwards Arrow With Hook
↪️ Rightwards Arrow With Hook
⌚ Watch
⌛ Hourglass
⌨ Keyboard
⏏ Eject Symbol
⏩ Black Right-Pointing Double Triangle
⏪ Black Left-Pointing Double Triangle
⏫ Black Up-Pointing Double Triangle
⏬ Black Down-Pointing Double Triangle
⏭ Black Right-Pointing Double Triangle With Vertical Bar
⏮ Black Left-Pointing Double Triangle With Vertical Bar
⏯ Black Right-Pointing Triangle With Double Vertical Bar
⏰ Alarm Clock
⏱ Stopwatch
⏲ Timer Clock
⏳ Hourglass With Flowing Sand
⏸ Double Vertical Bar
⏹ Black Square for Stop
⏺ Black Circle for Record
▪️ Black Small Square
▫️ White Small Square
◻️ White Medium Square
◼️ Black Medium Square
◽ White Medium Small Square
◾ Black Medium Small Square
☀️ Black Sun With Rays
☁️ Cloud
☂ Umbrella
☃ Snowman
☄ Comet
☎️ Black Telephone
☑️ Ballot Box With Check
☔ Umbrella With Rain Drops
☕ Hot Beverage
☘ Shamrock
☝️ White Up Pointing Index
☠ Skull and Crossbones
☢ Radioactive Sign
☣ Biohazard Sign
☦ Orthodox Cross
☪ Star and Crescent
☮ Peace Symbol
☯ Yin Yang
☸ Wheel of Dharma
☹ White Frowning Face
♈ Aries
♉ Taurus
♊ Gemini
♋ Cancer
♌ Leo
♍ Virgo
♎ Libra
♏ Scorpius
♐ Sagittarius
♑ Capricorn
♒ Aquarius
♓ Pisces
♨️ Hot Springs
♻️ Black Universal Recycling Symbol
♿ Wheelchair Symbol
⚒ Hammer and Pick
⚓ Anchor
⚔ Crossed Swords
⚖ Scales
⚗ Alembic
⚙ Gear
⚛ Atom Symbol
⚜ Fleur-De-Lis
⚡ High Voltage Sign
⚪ Medium White Circle
⚫ Medium Black Circle
⚰ Coffin
⚱ Funeral Urn
⚽ Soccer Ball
⚾ Baseball
⛄ Snowman Without Snow
⛅ Sun Behind Cloud
⛈ Thunder Cloud and Rain
⛎ Ophiuchus
⛏ Pick
⛑ Helmet With White Cross
⛓ Chains
⛔ No Entry
⛩ Shinto Shrine
⛪ Church
⛰ Mountain
⛱ Umbrella on Ground
⛲ Fountain
⛳ Flag in Hole
⛴ Ferry
⛵ Sailboat
⛷ Skier
⛸ Ice Skate
⛹ Person With Ball
⛺ Tent
⛽ Fuel Pump
✂️ Black Scissors
✅ White Heavy Check Mark
✉️ Envelope
✊ Raised Fist
✋ Raised Hand
✌️ Victory Hand
✍ Writing Hand
✏️ Pencil
✒️ Black Nib
✔️ Heavy Check Mark
✖️ Heavy Multiplication X
✝ Latin Cross
✡ Star of David
✨ Sparkles
✳️ Eight Spoked Asterisk
✴️ Eight Pointed Black Star
❄️ Snowflake
❇️ Sparkle
❌ Cross Mark
❎ Negative Squared Cross Mark
❓ Black Question Mark Ornament
❔ White Question Mark Ornament
❕ White Exclamation Mark Ornament
❗ Heavy Exclamation Mark Symbol
❣ Heavy Heart Exclamation Mark Ornament
❤️ Heavy Black Heart
➕ Heavy Plus Sign
➖ Heavy Minus Sign
➗ Heavy Division Sign
➡️ Black Rightwards Arrow
➰ Curly Loop
➿ Double Curly Loop
⬅️ Leftwards Black Arrow
⬆️ Upwards Black Arrow
⬇️ Downwards Black Arrow
⬛ Black Large Square
⬜ White Large Square
⭐ White Medium Star
⭕ Heavy Large Circle
🀄 Mahjong Tile Red Dragon
🃏 Playing Card Black Joker
🆎 Negative Squared AB
🆑 Squared CL
🆒 Squared Cool
🆓 Squared Free
🆔 Squared ID
🆕 Squared New
🆖 Squared NG
🆗 Squared OK
🆘 Squared SOS
🆙 Squared Up With Exclamation Mark
🆚 Squared Vs
🈁 Squared Katakana Koko
🈂️ Squared Katakana Sa
🈚 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7121
🈯 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-6307
🈲 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7981
🈳 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7a7a
🈴 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-5408
🈵 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-6e80
🈶 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-6709
🈷️ Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-6708
🈸 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7533
🈹 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-5272
🈺 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-55b6
🉐 Circled Ideograph Advantage
🉑 Circled Ideograph Accept
🌀 Cyclone
🌁 Foggy
🌂 Closed Umbrella
🌃 Night With Stars
🌄 Sunrise Over Mountains
🌅 Sunrise
🌆 Cityscape at Dusk
🌇 Sunset Over Buildings
🌈 Rainbow
🌉 Bridge at Night
🌊 Water Wave
🌋 Volcano
🌌 Milky Way
🌍 Earth Globe Europe-Africa
🌎 Earth Globe Americas
🌏 Earth Globe Asia-Australia
🌐 Globe With Meridians
🌑 New Moon Symbol
🌒 Waxing Crescent Moon Symbol
🌓 First Quarter Moon Symbol
🌔 Waxing Gibbous Moon Symbol
🌕 Full Moon Symbol
🌖 Waning Gibbous Moon Symbol
🌗 Last Quarter Moon Symbol
🌘 Waning Crescent Moon Symbol
🌙 Crescent Moon
🌚 New Moon With Face
🌛 First Quarter Moon With Face
🌜 Last Quarter Moon With Face
🌝 Full Moon With Face
🌞 Sun With Face
🌟 Glowing Star
🌠 Shooting Star
🌡 Thermometer
🌤 White Sun With Small Cloud
🌥 White Sun Behind Cloud
🌦 White Sun Behind Cloud With Rain
🌧 Cloud With Rain
🌨 Cloud With Snow
🌩 Cloud With Lightning
🌪 Cloud With Tornado
🌫 Fog
🌬 Wind Blowing Face
🌭 Hot Dog
🌮 Taco
🌯 Burrito
🌰 Chestnut
🌱 Seedling
🌲 Evergreen Tree
🌳 Deciduous Tree
🌴 Palm Tree
🌵 Cactus
🌶 Hot Pepper
🌷 Tulip
🌸 Cherry Blossom
🌹 Rose
🌺 Hibiscus
🌻 Sunflower
🌼 Blossom
🌽 Ear of Maize
🌾 Ear of Rice
🌿 Herb
🍀 Four Leaf Clover
🍁 Maple Leaf
🍂 Fallen Leaf
🍃 Leaf Fluttering in Wind
🍄 Mushroom
🍅 Tomato
🍆 Aubergine
🍇 Grapes
🍈 Melon
🍉 Watermelon
🍊 Tangerine
🍋 Lemon
🍌 Banana
🍍 Pineapple
🍎 Red Apple
🍏 Green Apple
🍐 Pear
🍑 Peach
🍒 Cherries
🍓 Strawberry
🍔 Hamburger
🍕 Slice of Pizza
🍖 Meat on Bone
🍗 Poultry Leg
🍘 Rice Cracker
🍙 Rice Ball
🍚 Cooked Rice
🍛 Curry and Rice
🍜 Steaming Bowl
🍝 Spaghetti
🍞 Bread
🍟 French Fries
🍠 Roasted Sweet Potato
🍡 Dango
🍢 Oden
🍣 Sushi
🍤 Fried Shrimp
🍥 Fish Cake With Swirl Design
🍦 Soft Ice Cream
🍧 Shaved Ice
🍨 Ice Cream
🍩 Doughnut
🍪 Cookie
🍫 Chocolate Bar
🍬 Candy
🍭 Lollipop
🍮 Custard
🍯 Honey Pot
🍰 Shortcake
🍱 Bento Box
🍲 Pot of Food
🍳 Cooking
🍴 Fork and Knife
🍵 Teacup Without Handle
🍶 Sake Bottle and Cup
🍷 Wine Glass
🍸 Cocktail Glass
🍹 Tropical Drink
🍺 Beer Mug
🍻 Clinking Beer Mugs
🍼 Baby Bottle
🍽 Fork and Knife With Plate
🍾 Bottle With Popping Cork
🍿 Popcorn
🎀 Ribbon
🎁 Wrapped Present
🎂 Birthday Cake
🎃 Jack-O-Lantern
🎄 Christmas Tree
🎅 Father Christmas
🎆 Fireworks
🎇 Firework Sparkler
🎈 Balloon
🎉 Party Popper
🎊 Confetti Ball
🎋 Tanabata Tree
🎌 Crossed Flags
🎍 Pine Decoration
🎎 Japanese Dolls
🎏 Carp Streamer
🎐 Wind Chime
🎑 Moon Viewing Ceremony
🎒 School Satchel
🎓 Graduation Cap
🎖 Military Medal
🎗 Reminder Ribbon
🎙 Studio Microphone
🎚 Level Slider
🎛 Control Knobs
🎞 Film Frames
🎟 Admission Tickets
🎠 Carousel Horse
🎡 Ferris Wheel
🎢 Roller Coaster
🎣 Fishing Pole and Fish
🎤 Microphone
🎥 Movie Camera
🎦 Cinema
🎧 Headphone
🎨 Artist Palette
🎩 Top Hat
🎪 Circus Tent
🎫 Ticket
🎬 Clapper Board
🎭 Performing Arts
🎮 Video Game
🎯 Direct Hit
🎰 Slot Machine
🎱 Billiards
🎲 Game Die
🎳 Bowling
🎴 Flower Playing Cards
🎵 Musical Note
🎶 Multiple Musical Notes
🎷 Saxophone
🎸 Guitar
🎹 Musical Keyboard
🎺 Trumpet
🎻 Violin
🎼 Musical Score
🎽 Running Shirt With Sash
🎾 Tennis Racquet and Ball
🎿 Ski and Ski Boot
🏀 Basketball and Hoop
🏁 Chequered Flag
🏂 Snowboarder
🏃 Runner
🏄 Surfer
🏅 Sports Medal
🏆 Trophy
🏇 Horse Racing
🏈 American Football
🏉 Rugby Football
🏊 Swimmer
🏋 Weight Lifter
🏌 Golfer
🏍 Racing Motorcycle
🏎 Racing Car
🏏 Cricket Bat and Ball
🏐 Volleyball
🏑 Field Hockey Stick and Ball
🏒 Ice Hockey Stick and Puck
🏓 Table Tennis Paddle and Ball
🏔 Snow Capped Mountain
🏕 Camping
🏖 Beach With Umbrella
🏗 Building Construction
🏘 House Buildings
🏙 Cityscape
🏚 Derelict House Building
🏛 Classical Building
🏜 Desert
🏝 Desert Island
🏞 National Park
🏟 Stadium
🏠 House Building
🏡 House With Garden
🏢 Office Building
🏣 Japanese Post Office
🏤 European Post Office
🏥 Hospital
🏦 Bank
🏧 Automated Teller Machine
🏨 Hotel
🏩 Love Hotel
🏪 Convenience Store
🏫 School
🏬 Department Store
🏭 Factory
🏮 Izakaya Lantern
🏯 Japanese Castle
🏰 European Castle
🏳 Waving White Flag
🏴 Waving Black Flag
🏵 Rosette
🏷 Label
🏸 Badminton Racquet and Shuttlecock
🏹 Bow and Arrow
🏺 Amphora
🐀 Rat
🐁 Mouse
🐂 Ox
🐃 Water Buffalo
🐄 Cow
🐅 Tiger
🐆 Leopard
🐇 Rabbit
🐈 Cat
🐉 Dragon
🐊 Crocodile
🐋 Whale
🐌 Snail
🐍 Snake
🐎 Horse
🐏 Ram
🐐 Goat
🐑 Sheep
🐒 Monkey
🐓 Rooster
🐔 Chicken
🐕 Dog
🐖 Pig
🐗 Boar
🐘 Elephant
🐙 Octopus
🐚 Spiral Shell
🐛 Bug
🐜 Ant
🐝 Honeybee
🐞 Lady Beetle
🐟 Fish
🐠 Tropical Fish
🐡 Blowfish
🐢 Turtle
🐣 Hatching Chick
🐤 Baby Chick
🐥 Front-Facing Baby Chick
🐦 Bird
🐧 Penguin
🐨 Koala
🐩 Poodle
🐪 Dromedary Camel
🐫 Bactrian Camel
🐬 Dolphin
🐭 Mouse Face
🐮 Cow Face
🐯 Tiger Face
🐰 Rabbit Face
🐱 Cat Face
🐲 Dragon Face
🐳 Spouting Whale
🐴 Horse Face
🐵 Monkey Face
🐶 Dog Face
🐷 Pig Face
🐸 Frog Face
🐹 Hamster Face
🐺 Wolf Face
🐻 Bear Face
🐼 Panda Face
🐽 Pig Nose
🐾 Paw Prints
🐿 Chipmunk
👀 Eyes
👁 Eye
👂 Ear
👃 Nose
👄 Mouth
👅 Tongue
👆 White Up Pointing Backhand Index
👇 White Down Pointing Backhand Index
👈 White Left Pointing Backhand Index
👉 White Right Pointing Backhand Index
👊 Fisted Hand Sign
👋 Waving Hand Sign
👌 OK Hand Sign
👍 Thumbs Up Sign
👎 Thumbs Down Sign
👏 Clapping Hands Sign
👐 Open Hands Sign
👑 Crown
👒 Womans Hat
👓 Eyeglasses
👔 Necktie
👕 T-Shirt
👖 Jeans
👗 Dress
👘 Kimono
👙 Bikini
👚 Womans Clothes
👛 Purse
👜 Handbag
👝 Pouch
👞 Mans Shoe
👟 Athletic Shoe
👠 High-Heeled Shoe
👡 Womans Sandal
👢 Womans Boots
👣 Footprints
👤 Bust in Silhouette
👥 Busts in Silhouette
👦 Boy
👧 Girl
👨 Man
👩 Woman
👪 Family
👫 Man and Woman Holding Hands
👬 Two Men Holding Hands
👭 Two Women Holding Hands
👮 Police Officer
👯 Woman With Bunny Ears
👰 Bride With Veil
👱 Person With Blond Hair
👲 Man With Gua Pi Mao
👳 Man With Turban
👴 Older Man
👵 Older Woman
👶 Baby
👷 Construction Worker
👸 Princess
👹 Japanese Ogre
👺 Japanese Goblin
👻 Ghost
👼 Baby Angel
👽 Extraterrestrial Alien
👾 Alien Monster
👿 Imp 💀 Skull
💁 Information Desk Person
💂 Guardsman
💃 Dancer
💄 Lipstick
💅 Nail Polish
💆 Face Massage
💇 Haircut
💈 Barber Pole
💉 Syringe
💊 Pill
💋 Kiss Mark
💌 Love Letter
💍 Ring
💎 Gem Stone
💏 Kiss
💐 Bouquet
💑 Couple With Heart
💒 Wedding
💓 Beating Heart
💔 Broken Heart
💕 Two Hearts
💖 Sparkling Heart
💗 Growing Heart
💘 Heart With Arrow
💙 Blue Heart
💚 Green Heart
💛 Yellow Heart
💜 Purple Heart
💝 Heart With Ribbon
💞 Revolving Hearts
💟 Heart Decoration
💠 Diamond Shape With a Dot Inside
💡 Electric Light Bulb
💢 Anger Symbol
💣 Bomb
💤 Sleeping Symbol
💥 Collision Symbol
💦 Splashing Sweat Symbol
💧 Droplet
💨 Dash Symbol
💩 Pile of Poo
💪 Flexed Biceps
💫 Dizzy Symbol
💬 Speech Balloon
💭 Thought Balloon
💮 White Flower
💯 Hundred Points Symbol
💰 Money Bag
💱 Currency Exchange
💲 Heavy Dollar Sign
💳 Credit Card
💴 Banknote With Yen Sign
💵 Banknote With Dollar Sign
💶 Banknote With Euro Sign
💷 Banknote With Pound Sign
💸 Money With Wings
💹 Chart With Upwards Trend and Yen Sign
💺 Seat
💻 Personal Computer
💼 Briefcase
💽 Minidisc
💾 Floppy Disk
💿 Optical Disc
📁 File Folder
📂 Open File Folder
📃 Page With Curl
📄 Page Facing Up
📅 Calendar
📆 Tear-Off Calendar
📇 Card Index
📈 Chart With Upwards Trend
📉 Chart With Downwards Trend
📊 Bar Chart
📋 Clipboard
📌 Pushpin
📍 Round Pushpin
📎 Paperclip
📏 Straight Ruler
📐 Triangular Ruler
📑 Bookmark Tabs
📒 Ledger
📓 Notebook
📔 Notebook With Decorative Cover
📕 Closed Book
📖 Open Book
📗 Green Book
📘 Blue Book
📙 Orange Book
📚 Books
📛 Name Badge
📜 Scroll
📝 Memo
📞 Telephone Receiver
📟 Pager
📠 Fax Machine
📡 Satellite Antenna
📢 Public Address Loudspeaker
📣 Cheering Megaphone
📤 Outbox Tray
📥 Inbox Tray
📦 Package
📧 E-Mail Symbol
📨 Incoming Envelope
📩 Envelope With Downwards Arrow Above
📪 Closed Mailbox With Lowered Flag
📫 Closed Mailbox With Raised Flag
📬 Open Mailbox With Raised Flag
📭 Open Mailbox With Lowered Flag
📮 Postbox
📯 Postal Horn
📰 Newspaper
📱 Mobile Phone
📲 Mobile Phone With Rightwards Arrow at Left
📳 Vibration Mode
📴 Mobile Phone Off
📵 No Mobile Phones
📶 Antenna With Bars
📷 Camera
📸 Camera With Flash
📹 Video Camera
📺 Television
📻 Radio
📼 Videocassette
📽 Film Projector
📿 Prayer Beads
🔀 Twisted Rightwards Arrows
🔁 Clockwise Rightwards and Leftwards Open Circle Arrows
🔂 Clockwise Rightwards and Leftwards Open Circle Arrows With Circled One Overlay
🔃 Clockwise Downwards and Upwards Open Circle Arrows
🔄 Anticlockwise Downwards and Upwards Open Circle Arrows
🔅 Low Brightness Symbol
🔆 High Brightness Symbol
🔇 Speaker With Cancellation Stroke
🔈 Speaker
🔉 Speaker With One Sound Wave
🔊 Speaker With Three Sound Waves
🔋 Battery
🔌 Electric Plug
🔍 Left-Pointing Magnifying Glass
🔎 Right-Pointing Magnifying Glass
🔏 Lock With Ink Pen
🔐 Closed Lock With Key
🔑 Key
🔒 Lock
🔓 Open Lock
🔔 Bell
🔕 Bell With Cancellation Stroke
🔖 Bookmark
🔗 Link Symbol
🔘 Radio Button
🔙 Back With Leftwards Arrow Above
🔚 End With Leftwards Arrow Above
🔛 On With Exclamation Mark With Left Right Arrow Above
🔜 Soon With Rightwards Arrow Above
🔝 Top With Upwards Arrow Above
🔞 No One Under Eighteen Symbol
🔟 Keycap Ten
🔠 Input Symbol for Latin Capital Letters
🔡 Input Symbol for Latin Small Letters
🔢 Input Symbol for Numbers
🔣 Input Symbol for Symbols
🔤 Input Symbol for Latin Letters
🔥 Fire
🔦 Electric Torch
🔧 Wrench
🔨 Hammer
🔩 Nut and Bolt
🔪 Hocho
🔫 Pistol
🔬 Microscope
🔭 Telescope
🔮 Crystal Ball
🔯 Six Pointed Star With Middle Dot
🔰 Japanese Symbol for Beginner
🔱 Trident Emblem
🔲 Black Square Button
🔳 White Square Button
🔴 Large Red Circle
🔵 Large Blue Circle
🔶 Large Orange Diamond
🔷 Large Blue Diamond
🔸 Small Orange Diamond
🔹 Small Blue Diamond
🔺 Up-Pointing Red Triangle
🔻 Down-Pointing Red Triangle
🔼 Up-Pointing Small Red Triangle
🔽 Down-Pointing Small Red Triangle
🕉 Om Symbol
🕊 Dove of Peace
🕋 Kaaba
🕌 Mosque
🕍 Synagogue
🕎 Menorah With Nine Branches
🕐 Clock Face One O'Clock
🕑 Clock Face Two O'Clock
🕒 Clock Face Three O'Clock
🕓 Clock Face Four O'Clock
🕔 Clock Face Five O'Clock
🕕 Clock Face Six O'Clock
🕖 Clock Face Seven O'Clock
🕗 Clock Face Eight O'Clock
🕘 Clock Face Nine O'Clock
🕙 Clock Face Ten O'Clock
🕚 Clock Face Eleven O'Clock
🕛 Clock Face Twelve O'Clock
🕜 Clock Face One-Thirty
🕝 Clock Face Two-Thirty
🕞 Clock Face Three-Thirty
🕟 Clock Face Four-Thirty
🕠 Clock Face Five-Thirty
🕡 Clock Face Six-Thirty
🕢 Clock Face Seven-Thirty
🕣 Clock Face Eight-Thirty
🕤 Clock Face Nine-Thirty
🕥 Clock Face Ten-Thirty
🕦 Clock Face Eleven-Thirty
🕧 Clock Face Twelve-Thirty
🕯 Candle
🕰 Mantelpiece Clock
🕳 Hole
🕴 Man in Business Suit Levitating
🕵 Sleuth or Spy
🕶 Dark Sunglasses
🕷 Spider
🕸 Spider Web
🕹 Joystick
🕺 Man Dancing
🖇 Linked Paperclips
🖊 Lower Left Ballpoint Pen
🖋 Lower Left Fountain Pen
🖌 Lower Left Paintbrush
🖍 Lower Left Crayon
🖐 Raised Hand With Fingers Splayed
🖕 Reversed Hand With Middle Finger Extended
🖖 Raised Hand With Part Between Middle and Ring Fingers
🖤 Black Heart
🖥 Desktop Computer
🖨 Printer
🖱 Three Button Mouse
🖲 Trackball
🖼 Frame With Picture
🗂 Card Index Dividers
🗃 Card File Box
🗄 File Cabinet
🗑 Wastebasket
🗒 Spiral Note Pad
🗓 Spiral Calendar Pad
🗜 Compression
🗝 Old Key
🗞 Rolled-Up Newspaper
🗡 Dagger Knife
🗣 Speaking Head in Silhouette
🗨 Left Speech Bubble
🗯 Right Anger Bubble
🗳 Ballot Box With Ballot
🗺 World Map
🗻 Mount Fuji
🗼 Tokyo Tower
🗽 Statue of Liberty
🗾 Silhouette of Japan
🗿 Moyai
😀 Grinning Face
😁 Grinning Face With Smiling Eyes
😂 Face With Tears of Joy
😃 Smiling Face With Open Mouth
😄 Smiling Face With Open Mouth and Smiling Eyes
😅 Smiling Face With Open Mouth and Cold Sweat
😆 Smiling Face With Open Mouth and Tightly-Closed Eyes
😇 Smiling Face With Halo
😈 Smiling Face With Horns
😉 Winking Face
😊 Smiling Face With Smiling Eyes
😋 Face Savouring Delicious Food
😌 Relieved Face
😍 Smiling Face With Heart-Shaped Eyes
😎 Smiling Face With Sunglasses
😏 Smirking Face
😐 Neutral Face
😑 Expressionless Face
😒 Unamused Face
😓 Face With Cold Sweat
😔 Pensive Face
😕 Confused Face
😖 Confounded Face
😗 Kissing Face
😘 Face Throwing a Kiss
😙 Kissing Face With Smiling Eyes
😚 Kissing Face With Closed Eyes
😛 Face With Stuck-Out Tongue
😜 Face With Stuck-Out Tongue and Winking Eye
😝 Face With Stuck-Out Tongue and Tightly-Closed Eyes
😞 Disappointed Face
😟 Worried Face
😠 Angry Face
😡 Pouting Face
😢 Crying Face
😣 Persevering Face
😤 Face With Look of Triumph
😥 Disappointed but Relieved Face
😦 Frowning Face With Open Mouth
😧 Anguished Face
😨 Fearful Face
😩 Weary Face
😪 Sleepy Face
😫 Tired Face
😬 Grimacing Face
😭 Loudly Crying Face
😮 Face With Open Mouth
😯 Hushed Face
😰 Face With Open Mouth and Cold Sweat
😱 Face Screaming in Fear
😲 Astonished Face
😳 Flushed Face
😴 Sleeping Face
😵 Dizzy Face
😶 Face Without Mouth
😷 Face With Medical Mask
😸 Grinning Cat Face With Smiling Eyes
😹 Cat Face With Tears of Joy
😺 Smiling Cat Face With Open Mouth
😻 Smiling Cat Face With Heart-Shaped Eyes
😼 Cat Face With Wry Smile
😽 Kissing Cat Face With Closed Eyes
😾 Pouting Cat Face
😿 Crying Cat Face
🙀 Weary Cat Face
🙁 Slightly Frowning Face
🙂 Slightly Smiling Face
🙃 Upside-Down Face
🙄 Face With Rolling Eyes
🙅 Face With No Good Gesture
🙆 Face With OK Gesture
🙇 Person Bowing Deeply
🙈 See-No-Evil Monkey
🙉 Hear-No-Evil Monkey
🙊 Speak-No-Evil Monkey
🙋 Happy Person Raising One Hand
🙌 Person Raising Both Hands in Celebration
🙍 Person Frowning
🙎 Person With Pouting Face
🙏 Person With Folded Hands
🚀 Rocket
🚁 Helicopter
🚂 Steam Locomotive
🚃 Railway Car
🚄 High-Speed Train
🚅 High-Speed Train With Bullet Nose
🚆 Train
🚇 Metro
🚈 Light Rail
🚉 Station
🚊 Tram
🚋 Tram Car
🚌 Bus
🚍 Oncoming Bus
🚎 Trolleybus
🚏 Bus Stop
🚐 Minibus
🚑 Ambulance
🚒 Fire Engine
🚓 Police Car
🚔 Oncoming Police Car
🚕 Taxi
🚖 Oncoming Taxi
🚗 Automobile
🚘 Oncoming Automobile
🚙 Recreational Vehicle
🚚 Delivery Truck
🚛 Articulated Lorry
🚜 Tractor
🚝 Monorail
🚞 Mountain Railway
🚟 Suspension Railway
🚠 Mountain Cableway
🚡 Aerial Tramway
🚢 Ship
🚣 Rowboat
🚤 Speedboat
🚥 Horizontal Traffic Light
🚦 Vertical Traffic Light
🚧 Construction Sign
🚨 Police Cars Revolving Light
🚩 Triangular Flag on Post
🚪 Door
🚫 No Entry Sign
🚬 Smoking Symbol
🚭 No Smoking Symbol
🚮 Put Litter in Its Place Symbol
🚯 Do Not Litter Symbol
🚰 Potable Water Symbol
🚱 Non-Potable Water Symbol
🚲 Bicycle
🚳 No Bicycles
🚴 Bicyclist
🚵 Mountain Bicyclist
🚶 Pedestrian
🚷 No Pedestrians
🚸 Children Crossing
🚹 Mens Symbol
🚺 Womens Symbol
🚻 Restroom
🚼 Baby Symbol
🚽 Toilet
🚾 Water Closet
🚿 Shower
🛀 Bath
🛁 Bathtub
🛂 Passport Control
🛃 Customs
🛄 Baggage Claim
🛅 Left Luggage
🛋 Couch and Lamp
🛌 Sleeping Accommodation
🛍 Shopping Bags
🛎 Bellhop Bell
🛏 Bed
🛐 Place of Worship
🛑 Octagonal Sign
🛒 Shopping Trolley
🛠 Hammer and Wrench
🛡 Shield
🛢 Oil Drum
🛣 Motorway
🛤 Railway Track
🛥 Motor Boat
🛩 Small Airplane
🛫 Airplane Departure
🛬 Airplane Arriving
🛰 Satellite
🛳 Passenger Ship
🛴 Scooter
🛵 Motor Scooter
🛶 Canoe
🤐 Zipper-Mouth Face
🤑 Money-Mouth Face
🤒 Face With Thermometer
🤓 Nerd Face
🤔 Thinking Face
🤕 Face With Head-Bandage
🤖 Robot Face
🤗 Hugging Face
🤘 Sign of the Horns
🤙 Call Me Hand
🤚 Raised Back Of Hand
🤛 Left-Facing Fist
🤜 Right-Facing Fist
🤝 Handshake
🤞 Hand With Index And Middle Fingers Crossed
🤠 Face With Cowboy Hat
🤡 Clown Face
🤢 Nauseated Face
🤣 Rolling On The Floor Laughing
🤤 Drooling Face
🤥 Lying Face
🤦 Face Palm
🤧 Sneezing Face
🤰 Pregnant Woman
🤳 Selfie
🤴 Prince
🤵 Man In Tuxedo
🤶 Mother Christmas
🤷 Shrug
🤸 Person Doing Cartwheel
🤹 Juggling
🤺 Fencer
🤼 Wrestlers
🤽 Water Polo
🤾 Handball
🥀 Wilted Flower
🥁 Drum With Drumsticks
🥂 Clinking Glasses
🥃 Tumbler Glass
🥄 Spoon
🥅 Goal Net
🥇 First Place Medal
🥈 Second Place Medal
🥉 Third Place Medal
🥊 Boxing Glove
🥋 Martial Arts Uniform
🥐 Croissant
🥑 Avocado
🥒 Cucumber
🥓 Bacon
🥔 Potato
🥕 Carrot
🥖 Baguette Bread
🥗 Green Salad
🥘 Shallow Pan Of Food
🥙 Stuffed Flatbread
🥚 Egg
🥛 Glass of Milk
🥜 Peanuts
🥝 Kiwifruit
🥞 Pancakes
🦀 Crab
🦁 Lion Face
🦂 Scorpion
🦃 Turkey
🦄 Unicorn Face
🦅 Eagle
🦆 Duck
🦇 Bat
🦈 Shark
🦉 Owl
🦊 Fox Face
🦋 Butterfly
🦌 Deer
🦍 Gorilla
🦎 Lizard
🦏 Rhinoceros
🦐 Shrimp
🦑 Squid
🧀 Cheese Wedge
root@ismailtasdelen:~# git clone https://github.com/ismailtasdelen/emoji-list.git
root@ismailtasdelen:~# git clone git@github.com:ismailtasdelen/emoji-list.git