Ready to serve you anytime, anywhere.
DelyBot is a robot that uses six wheels to drive itself along pedestrian paths but also on public roads to reach requested delivery addresses. The robot is able to locate itself through knowledge of the global static map and is able to detect and avoid moving obstacles.
DelyBot is composed of:
- an upper structure designed to transport packages, objects, food
- six motorized wheels that allow it to move using differential control
At first it is necessary to install external packages:
sudo apt install ros-noetic-navigation
sudo apt install ros-noetic-slam-gmapping
sudo apt install ros-noetic-map-server
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-robot-localization
- Clone the repo inside the catkin workspace
cd ~/catkin_ws/src git clone
- Build packages
cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make
The possible optional parameter values are listed in the table.
Optional Parameter | Values | Default |
open_rviz |
true, false | true |
world |
empty, delybot_test_map, delybot_test, district_map, district | district |
dwa_local_planner |
true, false | true |
The world parameter can be used to load a specific world map (the .world file must be located in the delybot_description/world/ folder).
To test the different world files in Gazebo it is possible to run the following command:
# Usage example to open in Gazebo
roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world world_name:=/home/your_username/catkin_ws/src/DelyBot/delybot_description/world/
roslaunch delybot_description display.launch
Open a pre-configured Rviz session to display the robot.
roslaunch delybot_description gazebo.launch open_rviz:=true
Spawn the robot into the gazebo simulation environment. If the open_rviz optional parameter is true a pre-configured Rviz session is also opened.
roslaunch delybot_control ddr_control.launch world:=district
Spawn the robot with a differential drive control and a teleoperation node in gazebo.
roslaunch delybot_slam delybot_slam.launch world:=district_map
This command can be useful to create a 2d map of a specific world using a gmapping algorithm.
roslaunch delybot_navigation delybot_navigation.launch world:=district dwa_local_planner:=true
This command is used for the robot navigation, it's possible to give through Rviz a desired goal pose.
If the dwa_local_planner parameter is true the DWA local planner is used, else if it is false the Trajectory Rollout local planner is used.
rosrun delybot_navigation
This command run the waypoint_spawner node, used to send a specific goal pose selected from a predefined list to the robot.
The list is imported from the waypoint.json file inside the delybot_navigation/scripts/ folder.
# Output example
user@user:~$ rosrun delybot_navigation
0) Origin
1) Thrift Shop
2) Salon
3) Home
4) Post Office
5) Police
6) School
7) Fast Food
Insert goal index:
- 3D robot modeling
- Add differential drive control
- Add laser and imu sensors using Kalman filter (pkg: robot_localization)
- Add world 3D model with static and moving obstacle
- Add delybot slam using gmapping to create 2D world map
- Add delybot navigation
- Add waypoint spawner node
- Update README
For further information check the report - DelyBot Report.pdf
Alessandro Quatela - @qualex97 -
Giuseppe Roberto - @gmeidk -
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