Golang logging library with logrus and graylog hook support
import log "github.com/gokhanm/logging"
func main() {
// you can set your own logrus formatter. text, json ..
formatter = &log.TextFormatter{
TimestampFormat: "2006-01-02 15:04:05",
ForceColors: true,
FullTimestamp: true,
logger := log.Initialize(formatter)
// Initialize returns logrus Logger pointer.
// with this you can use logrus functions if your want
Multi-custom logrus fields and async graylog hook example
import log "github.com/gokhanm/logging"
func main() {
// or you can use the default text logrus formatter in the lib.
// you can have fields always attached to log statements by SetDefaultFields in an application
fields := map[string]interface{}{"name": "gokhan", "app": "appName"}
// also if you use graylog log management system
// you can send your log data to the graylog as async
log.AddAsyncGraylogHook("", "1000", nil)