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FinSync is an enterprise financial data integration platform that aggregates and harmonizes data from multiple financial sources. The system performs three core operations:

  1. Query Generation & Federation

    • Generates SQL queries for different financial data sources
    • Federates these queries across multiple microservices (PNL, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow)
    • Handles data retrieval from distributed containers
  2. Data Processing & Validation

    • Validates and corrects company IDs against known valid entries
    • Maps different schema formats to a standardized structure
    • Handles both numeric and non-numeric data types
    • Performs data cleaning and normalization
  3. Aggregation & Output

    • Aggregates financial data across all sources per company
    • Calculates averages for numeric values
    • Generates timestamped CSV outputs
    • Provides API endpoints for frontend integration

Table of Contents

Docker Setup

To run the application using Docker:

  1. Ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system.
  2. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd FinSync-Financial-Aggregation-Platform
  3. Build and run the Docker containers:
    docker-compose build
    docker-compose up

Local Environment

For local development without Docker:

  1. Follow steps 1-2 from the Docker setup.
  2. Create and activate a virtual environment:
    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
  3. Install the required dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. To run the frontend:
    cd data_aggregator
    python runserver
  5. Open the browser and go to


The project uses the following Python tools:

  • Flask: A micro web framework for Python.
  • SQLite3: A lightweight disk-based database.
  • Black: A code formatter for consistent style.
  • Flake8: A linting tool for style guide enforcement.
  • pytest: A testing framework to ensure code correctness.


Running with Docker

To start the application:

docker-compose up

To rebuild the containers after making changes:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Accessing the Services

After starting the containers, you can access the services at:


To format your code:

black .


To run the linter:

flake8 .


To run tests:


Project Structure

The project is organized into three main services:

  • PNL (Profit and Loss)
  • Balance Sheet
  • Cash Flow

Each service has its own directory under data_sources/ containing:

  • Dockerfile: Defines the container for the service.
  • The Flask application for the service.
  • Script to initialize the SQLite database.
  • JSON file with sample data.

Continuous Integration

This project uses GitHub Actions for CI. The pipeline runs on every push and pull request, performing code formatting checks, linting, and running tests.

System Architecture

│    Frontend     │
│    Interface    │
│  Query Handler  │
    │  Main   │
│Microservices DB │
│ Data Processing │
│    Frontend     │
│    Interface    │

API Documentation


  1. PNL Service (Port 5001)

    • GET /data: Retrieve PNL data
    • GET /query: Execute custom PNL queries
  2. Balance Sheet Service (Port 5002)

    • GET /data: Retrieve balance sheet data
    • GET /query: Execute custom balance sheet queries
  3. Cash Flow Service (Port 5003)

    • GET /data: Retrieve cash flow data
    • GET /query: Execute custom cash flow queries

Query Parameters

  • q: SQL query string (required)

Performance Considerations

  • Supports concurrent processing of multiple data sources
  • Implements caching for frequently accessed data
  • Optimizes query execution through federation
  • Handles large datasets through pagination
  • Uses connection pooling for database operations

Error Handling

The system implements robust error handling for:

  • Invalid company IDs
  • Failed microservice connections
  • Schema mapping errors
  • Data type mismatches
  • Query execution failures


  • Input validation for all queries
  • Company ID verification
  • Rate limiting on API endpoints
  • Secure configuration management
  • Error message sanitization


Sample config.json

  "company_ids": ["COMP001", "COMP002", "COMP003"],
  "schema_mapping": {
    "pnl": {
      "revenue": "total_revenue",
      "expenses": "total_expenses"
    "balance_sheet": {
      "assets": "total_assets",
      "liabilities": "total_liabilities"

Made with ❤️ by Utsav Garg, Sameer Gupta, Vipul Garg


IIA Course Project







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