Welcome to my collection of programming problems and their solutions implemented in multiple languages: C, C++, Java, and Python.
Each problem is categorized (e.g., Basic, Intermediate, Advanced). Click on a problem to see the solutions in your preferred programming language.
- Basic Questions
- Intermediate Questions
- Advanced Questions
- Miscellaneous Questions
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- License
Write a program to reverse a string
Find the largest and smallest number in an array
Check if a string is a palindrome
Write a program to check if a number is prime
Check if a number is a palindrome
Print the Fibonacci series up to n terms (iteration)
Find duplicates in an array
Check if a number is even or odd
Write a program to find the factorial of a number
Swap two numbers without using a third variable
Write a program to count the number of vowels and consonants in a string
Implement a basic calculator for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
Find the sum of the digits of a given number
Check if a number is prime or composite
Find the missing number in an array of size n containing numbers from 1 to n+1 in C
Find all pairs in an array whose sum is equal to a given number
Write a program to remove duplicates from a sorted array
Write a program to move all zeros in an array to the end
Implement a program to check if a string contains all unique characters
Reverse the words in a sentence without reversing the letters
Reverse a linked list (iterative)
Reverse a linked list (recursive)
Find the middle element of a linked list in one traversal
Implement a queue using a circular array
Solve the Activity Selection Problem
Write a program to find the largest number possible from an array of numbers
Implement a stack using an array
Implement a queue using an array
Merge two sorted arrays into a single sorted array
Solve the Fibonacci series using recursion
Implement bubble sort algorithm
Implement insertion sort algorithm
Implement binary search for a sorted array
Implement binary search for an unsorted array
Find the second largest number in an array
Write a program to check if two strings are anagrams
Convert a decimal number to binary
Find the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) and LCM (Least Common Multiple) of two numbers
Write a program to rotate an array by k positions
Implement a stack and its operations (push, pop, peek) using an array
Find the majority element in an array (element that appears more than n2 times)
Find the longest common prefix in an array of strings
Find the first non-repeating character in a string
Write a program to implement string compression (e.g., aaabb → a3b2)
Merge two sorted linked lists
Implement a queue using an array
Detect and remove a cycle in a linked list
Write a program to evaluate a postfix expression
Implement a min stack that supports push, pop, and retrieving the minimum element in constant time
Solve the 01 Knapsack Problem
Find the length of the longest increasing subsequence
Solve the Coin Change Problem (minimum coins needed to make a sum)
Find the longest common subsequence of two strings
Implement Huffman Encoding
Find the minimum number of coins needed for a given amount using a greedy approach
Generate all subsets of a given set using recursion
Solve the Fractional Knapsack Problem
Solve the Topological Sorting Problem for a directed acyclic graph (DAG)
Write a program to detect a cycle in a directed graph using DFS
Tree traversals (inorder, preorder, postorder)
Write a program to find the intersection of two sorted arrays
Implement merge sort algorithm
Implement quicksort algorithm
Write a program to check if a linked list is a palindrome
Implement a queue using two stacks
Solve the N-Queens Problem using backtracking
Write a program to detect a cycle in a linked list
Find the shortest path in a graph using Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Check if a binary tree is a valid binary search tree (BST)
Write a program to solve the Knapsack Problem using dynamic programming
Implement depth-first search (DFS) for a graph
Implement breadth-first search (BFS) for a graph
Find the maximum area of a rectangle in a histogram
Implement the Tower of Hanoi
Write a program to compute the nth Catalan number
Design a hash map from scratch using an array and linked list
Find the connected components of an undirected graph
Implement Floyd-Warshall Algorithm for all-pairs shortest paths
Implement Kruskal’s Algorithm for finding the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)
Solve the Snake and Ladder Problem using a graph representation
Contributions are welcome! If you have a new solution or an improvement:
- Fork this repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature/fix.
- Commit your changes and open a pull request.
Please ensure your code follows the existing structure.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.