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The one-stop generic task batching and management library.
Contributions are welcome to add features, flexibility, performance test coverage...


Supports Task, Func and Action

// Set batchSize to configure the maximum number of tasks that can be run concurrently
BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: true);

// Task
Task aTask = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
BatchPoolTask task = batchPoolContainer.Add(aTask);
await task.WaitForTaskAsync();

// Func
Func<Task> aFunc = async () => Console.WriteLine("Hello");
BatchPoolTask func = batchPoolContainer.Add(aFunc);
await func.WaitForTaskAsync();

// Action
Action anAction = () => Console.WriteLine("Hello");
BatchPoolTask action = batchPoolContainer.Add(anAction);
await action.WaitForTaskAsync();

BatchPoolContainer states: Enabled / Paused

// Set isEnabled to configure the state of the batchPoolContainer at initialization
BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: false);

Task aTask = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
BatchPoolTask task = batchPoolContainer.Add(aTask);
await task.WaitForTaskAsync();

// Resume and forget
// Or resume and wait for all task to finish
await batchPoolContainer.ResumeAndWaitForAllAsync();

// Then pause again to prevent new pending tasks to run

Dynamic batch size: update the size of the BatchPool

BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: false);

// Increase or reduce the capacity and wait for it to finish updating. (The batchPoolContainer will need to wait if a reduction is requested while it is currently processing)
await batchPoolContainer.UpdateCapacityAsync(10);
// Perform the same operation in the background

Callbacks: supports Task, Func and Action

BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: true);

Task aTask = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
// The callback will run as soon as the main task completes
Task aCallbackTask = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));

BatchPoolTask task = batchPoolContainer.Add(aTask, aCallbackTask);
await task.WaitForTaskAsync();

Check the state of a task

BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: true);

Task aTask = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
BatchPoolTask task = batchPoolContainer.Add(aTask);

bool isCanceled = task.IsCanceled;
bool isCompleted = task.IsCompleted;

Task Cancellation

BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: true);

Task aTask = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
BatchPoolTask task = batchPoolContainer.Add(aTask);

// Attempt to cancel
bool didCancel = task.Cancel();
// Attempt to cancel all pending tasks (pending = tasks that have not yet started processing due to the batch size, or the paused state of the BatchPool)

batchPoolContainer Cancellation

CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: true, cancellationToken: cancellationTokenSource.Token);
// All pending tasks will be Canceled

Adding tasks in batch

BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: true);

Task aTask1 = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
Task aTask2 = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
List<Task> listOfTasks = new List<Task>() { aTask1, aTask2 };

ICollection<BatchPoolTask> tasks = batchPoolContainer.Add(listOfTasks);

Dynamic ordering

int order example:

int batchSize = 1;
// The int type provided as the generic parameter will provide dynamic ordering using the default .NET comparer. Order exection will be ascending (smallest to largest).
BatchPoolDynamicContainer<int> batchPool = new BatchPoolDynamicContainer<int>(batchSize, isEnabled: false);

var task1 = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello #1"));
var batchTask1 = batchPool.Add(task1, priority: 1);

var task2 = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello #2"));
var batchTask2 = batchPool.Add(task2, 2);

var task3 = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello #3"));
var batchTask3 = batchPool.Add(task3, 3);

await batchPool.ResumeAndWaitForAllAsync();

string order example:

BatchPoolDynamicContainer<string> batchPool = new BatchPoolDynamicContainer<string>(batchSize, isEnabled: false);

var task1 = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello #1"));
var batchTask1 = batchPool.Add(task1, priority: "a");

var task2 = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello #2"));
var batchTask2 = batchPool.Add(task2, "b");

var task3 = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello #3"));
var batchTask3 = batchPool.Add(task3, "c");

await batchPool.ResumeAndWaitForAllAsync();

enum order example:

public enum TestEnum
    Critical = 0,
    High = 1,
    Medium = 2,
    Low = 3

int batchSize = 1;
var batchPool = new BatchPoolDynamicContainer<TestEnum>(batchSize, isEnabled: false);

var task1 = new Task(() => executionOrderTracker.Add(TestEnum.High.ToString()));
var batchTask1 = batchPool.Add(task1, TestEnum.High);

var task2 = new Task(() => executionOrderTracker.Add(TestEnum.Medium.ToString()));
var batchTask2 = batchPool.Add(task2, TestEnum.Medium);

var task3 = new Task(() => executionOrderTracker.Add(TestEnum.Low.ToString()));
var batchTask3 = batchPool.Add(task3, TestEnum.Low);

await batchPool.ResumeAndWaitForAllAsync();

Dynamic custom ordering

Custom ordering simply by passing a new IComparer:

// Reverse the default order
public class StringReverseComparer : IComparer<string>
    public int Compare(string? x, string? y)
        return y!.CompareTo(x!);

BatchPoolDynamicContainer<string> batchPool = new BatchPoolDynamicContainer<string>(batchSize, new StringReverseComparer(), isEnabled: false);

Updatable dynamic ordering

int batchSize = 1;
// Use BatchPoolUpdatableDynamicContainer instead of BatchPoolDynamicContainer
BatchPoolUpdatableDynamicContainer<int> batchPool = new BatchPoolUpdatableDynamicContainer<int>(batchSize, isEnabled: false);

var task1 = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello #1"));
var batchTask1 = batchPool.Add(task1, priority: 1);

var task2 = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello #2"));
var batchTask2 = batchPool.Add(task2, 2);

var task3 = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello #3"));
var batchTask3 = batchPool.Add(task3, 3);

// batchTask1 will now execute last instead of first
batchPool.UpdatePriority(batchTask1, 4);

await batchPool.ResumeAndWaitForAllAsync();

Updatable dynamic custom ordering

Custom ordering simply by passing a new IComparer:

// Reverse the default order
public class StringReverseComparer : IComparer<string>
    public int Compare(string? x, string? y)
        return y!.CompareTo(x!);

BatchPoolUpdatableDynamicContainer<string> batchPool = new BatchPoolUpdatableDynamicContainer<string>(batchSize, new StringReverseComparer(), isEnabled: false);

Technical Note: More checks are required for BatchPoolUpdatableDynamicContainer over the BatchPoolDynamicContainer. However, the performance impact should not be noticeable as they occur at O(1). UpdatePriority does not modify the existing data structure, but instead allows the container to check if a priority is current and valid or a new has been added.


The BatchPoolFactory simply provides a quick way to instantiate a new BatchPoolContainer:

// Default queue
BatchPoolContainer batchPool = BatchPoolFactory.GetQueueBatchPool(batchSize, isEnabled: false);

// Dynamic ordering
BatchPoolDynamicContainer<int> batchPool = BatchPoolFactory.GetDynamicallyOrderedBatchPool<int>(batchSize, isEnabled: false);

// Dynamic ordering and update existing tasks priority
BatchPoolUpdatableDynamicContainer<int> batchPool = BatchPoolFactory.GetUpdatableDynamicallyOrderedBatchPool<int>(batchSize, isEnabled: false);

Waiting for tasks to finish

BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: true);

Task aTask1 = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
Task aTask2 = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
List<Task> listOfTasks = new List<Task>() { aTask1, aTask2 };

List<BatchPoolTask> tasks = batchPoolContainer.Add(listOfTasks);

// Wait for each task individually
await tasks[0].WaitForTaskAsync();
await tasks[1].WaitForTaskAsync();

// Wait for all tasks to finish
await batchPoolContainer.WaitForAllAsync();
// With timeoutInMilliseconds
await batchPoolContainer.WaitForAllAsync(timeoutInMilliseconds: 100);
// With timeout
await batchPoolContainer.WaitForAllAsync(timeout: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));
// With cancellationToken
CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
await batchPoolContainer.WaitForAllAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationTokenSource.Token);

// With cancellationToken and timeoutInMilliseconds/cancellationToken
await batchPoolContainer.WaitForAllAsync(timeoutInMilliseconds: 100, cancellationTokenSource.Token);
await batchPoolContainer.WaitForAllAsync(timeout: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), cancellationTokenSource.Token);


BatchPoolContainerManager<BatchPoolContainer> batchPoolContainerManager = new BatchPoolContainerManager<BatchPoolContainer>();

// Create and register a BatchPool
BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: true);
batchPoolContainer = batchPoolContainerManager.RegisterBatchPool("UniqueBatchPoolName", batchPoolContainer);

// Retrieve the BatchPool
bool isFound = batchPoolContainerManager.TryGetBatchPool("UniqueBatchPoolName", out batchPoolContainer retrievedBatchPool);

Task aTask = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
BatchPoolTask task = batchPoolContainer.Add(aTask);

// Wait for all tasks in all BatchPools to finish
await batchPoolContainerManager.WaitForAllBatchPools();

BatchPoolContainerManager with DI

IHost hostBuilder = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
    .ConfigureServices((_, services) => services.AddSingleton<BatchPoolContainerManager<BatchPoolContainer>>())

using IServiceScope serviceScope = hostBuilder.Services.CreateScope();
IServiceProvider serviceProvider = serviceScope.ServiceProvider;

BatchPoolContainerManager<BatchPoolContainer> batchPoolContainerManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<BatchPoolContainerManager<BatchPoolContainer>>();