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hiperbou edited this page Feb 25, 2023 · 7 revisions


kotlin-unreal is developed using Unreal 4.26.1-5.0.1 and Kotlin 1.4.31, but may work with other versions too.

Make sure you can build and run a Unreal C++ project. If you are not sure, create a new Third Person C++ Project and install all the required dependencies.

Install Unreal.js

If you can't find it in the Unreal Marketplace, you can install it manually following this instructions:

Check if your installation is correct

  • Clone or download this repository

    Optionally change to a branch matching your engine version:

    master branch will always be updated with the latest Unreal Engine version

    Unreal Engine 5


    Unreal Engine 4

    UE4.27.2, UE4.27.1, UE4.26.1

  • You should be able to right click the file "KotlinUnreal.uproject" and select "Launch Game"

  • You might be asked to recompile or update the project to your engine version and after that you should be seeing the First Person Game example.

Install IntelliJ as your Kotlin editor

Check out the map examples

Open the project with the Unreal Editor and open and play the maps located on the Maps directory inside the Content folder. Some of them might look empty at first, but the Kotlin magic will fill them with surprises when you get into the Play mode.

Configure IntelliJ IDEA

Now it will be a good time to configure IntelliJ IDEA to be able to code.

Next: Configure IntelliJ IDEA