This repository provides Docker scripts for building portable SITL development, testing and demonstration
environments for GISNav. The docker-compose.yaml
file defines the following services:
Service name | Description |
sitl |
SITL simulation environment: PX4/ArduPilot, Gazebo and QGroundcontrol, GISNav optional (see overrides). |
mapserver |
WMS server with embedded NAIP and OSM Buildings data covering KSQL airport. |
mapproxy |
WMS proxy for existing remote tile-based imagery endpoint. Alternative for mapserver when imagery layer needs to cover multiple flight regions (over presumedly multiple test scenarios covering too large an area to host locally). |
Follow these instructions to build the Docker images that are needed to run the mock GPS demo.
If you have an NVIDIA GPU on your host machine, make sure you have NVIDIA Container Toolkit installed.
Clone this repository and change to its root directory:
cd $HOME
git clone
cd gisnav-docker
Option 1: Run the SITL simulation with locally hosted maps:
docker-compose up -d mapserver sitl
Option 2: Run the SITL simulation with a WMS proxy:
Note Replace the example
string below with your own tile-based endpoint url (e.g. WMTS). See MapProxy configuration examples for more information on how to format the string.
docker-compose build \
--build-arg MAPPROXY_TILE_URL="https://<your-map-server-url>/tiles/%(z)s/%(y)s/%(x)s" \
docker-compose up mapproxy sitl
docker-compose down
To launch the SITL simulation with ArduPilot instead of PX4, use the docker-compose.ardupilot.yaml
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.ardupilot.yaml up -d sitl
To build the sitl
image without GISNav (for use in e.g. automated testing where GISNav is installed by a CI pipeline), use the
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f build -d sitl
The versions of the dependencies of the Docker script are currently not fixed, and many of them are under active development. The script may therefore break and make building the images challenging. You can try out these pre-built images for the mock GPS demo:
If the Gazebo and QGroundControl windows do not appear on your screen soon after running your container you may need to
expose your xhost
to your Docker container as described in the ROS GUI Tutorial:
export containerId=$(docker ps -l -q)
xhost +local:$(docker inspect --format='{{ .Config.Hostname }}' $containerId)
If you do not seem to be receiving any telemetry from the container to your host's ROS 2 node, ensure the
environment variable on your host matches the container's (0 by default):
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=0
If you are doing automated testing (e.g. with mavsdk), you can run Gazebo in headless mode and not launch
QGroundControl by setting GAZEBO_HEADLESS=1
GAZEBO_HEADLESS=1 LAUNCH_QGC=0 docker-compose up -d mapserver sitl
If you need to do debugging on sitl
, you can use the following command to run bash inside the container:
docker run -it \
--env="DISPLAY" \
--volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" \
--volume "/dev/shm:/dev/shm" \
--volume="/dev/dri:/dev/dri" \
--gpus all \
--tty \
--network host \
--entrypoint="/bin/bash" \
[RTPS_TRANSPORT_SHM Error] Failed init_port fastrtps_port7412: open_and_lock_file failed -> Function open_port_internal
If you are not able to establish ROS communication between the container and the host when using the
override and receive the above error, try disabling Fast DDS on your host.
You can do so by creating an XML configuration (e.g. disable_fastrtps.xml
) as described in this comment and
restarting ROS 2 daemon with the new configuration:
export FASTRTPS_DEFAULT_PROFILES_FILE=$PWD/disable_fastrtps.xml
ros2 daemon stop
ros2 daemon start
This repository is structured as follows:
├── docker
│ ├── mapproxy
│ │ └── Dockerfile # Dockerfile for a standalone MapProxy server
│ └── sitl
│ └── Dockerfile # Dockerfile for the Gazebo simulation & dependencies
├── docker-compose.ardupilot.yaml # docker-compose ArduPilot entrypoint override
├── # docker-compose sitl-dev build target
├── docker-compose.yaml # docker-compose base configuration
├── flight_plans
│ ├── ksql_airport_ardupilot.plan # Sample flight plan for ArduPilot SITL
│ └── ksql_airport.plan # Sample flight plan for PX4 SITL
├── mapfiles
│ └── # Mapfile for setting up WMS on MapServer
├── mapproxy
│ └── mapproxy.yaml # Configuration file used by mapproxy
├── scripts
│ └── # Configuration script used by PX4 sitl image
│ └── Makefile # Makefile used by SITL images
│ └── # Configuration script used by mapserver
└── yaml
├── camera_calibration.yaml # Configuration file used by PX4 sitl image
└── gscam_params.yaml # Configuration file used by PX4 sitl image
8 directories, 16 files
This software is released under the MIT license. See the
file for more information.