This repo will give you a turn key Docker container build for use in production OR dev. The setup includes Apache/2.4.29 build, PHP 7.4+, PHP Composer, MySQL 8.3.0 instance and a data container volume.
Using containers offer a huge advantage when developing locally or in prodcution. Use this containers for development and deployment. Changing NODE_ENVIRONMENT
within to .env
to dev
or production
will offer a dynamic environment.
├── app/ # → App conf to manage application on container
│ ├── apache-config.conf # → Apache config
│ ├── index.php # → Default web page, enter the IP `docker-machine ls` to load this page.
│ ├── php_extensions.php # → PHP extensions checklist
│ ├── # → Run manually on container to match uid / gid permissions of local docker container to Mac OS X
│ ├── # → Used by *supervisord.conf* to start Postfix
│ ├── # → Setup apache, conf files, and start process on container
│ ├── sample.conf # → Located within `/data/apache2/sites-enabled` duplicate / modify to add domains
│ └── supervisord # → Supervisor is a system which monitors and controls a number of processes
├── .env.example # → Rename file to `.env` for local environment variables used within build
├── .circleci/
│ └── config.yml # → CircleCI 2.0 Config
├── docker-compose.local.yml # → Dev build
├── docker-compose.yml # → Production build
├── Dockerfile # → Uses a basefile build to help speed up the docker container build process
├── Makefile # → Build command shortcuts
└── tests/
├── # → Build test processes
└── shunit2-2.1.7.tar.gz # → sh unit teesting
Launch the Apache instance locally and setup a local MySQL database container for persistant database data, the goal is to create a easy to use development environment.
The Apache container the directory /data
is shared to your local system via Line 7 within docker-compose.local.yml
Docker Compose File Reference more info
Open docker-compose.local.yml
and review this line. This path will link files from your local dev env to the Docker Instance with the /data
directory. Upon the intial make run
execution, the same path needs to be listed for proper permissions within the Docker Instance to write files to the linked OS.
for more build options:
~ git clone ~/Docker/Apache && cd ~/Docker/Apache
~ cp .env.example .env
~ make run
> git clone ~/Docker/Apache; cd ~/Docker/Apache
> copy .env.example .env
> docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up -d
Optional, are you having problems on Windows? Disable Firewall
> netsh advfirewall show currentprofile
> netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
Use the following command with Google Compute. This will create a virtual machine instance running COS (Container Operating System).
will need to exist within the directory you execute the following command from:
gcloud compute instances create-with-container www0 --zone us-central1-b --tags=https-server,http-server --machine-type f1-micro --container-env-file .env.LIVE
Need to update the container config? Use the following command, the .env
will be redeploy with the updated configuration.
gcloud compute instances update-container www0 --zone us-central1-b --container-env-file .env.LIVE
Renew each domain manually to verify the certificate will be created succesfully. Each certificate will be valid for 90 days, there is a limit of certificates minted per ip address.
LetsEncrypt Cert Renewal Process:
docker run --rm --name temp_certbot \
-v /var/data/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt \
-v /var/lib/letsencrypt:/var/lib/letsencrypt \
-v /var/data:/data \
certbot/certbot:v1.15.0 \
certonly --webroot --agree-tos --renew-by-default \
--server \
--text --email \
-w /data/www/XYZ/public_html -d -d
Set the following cron task, when host system is restarted, start instance will start on boot:
sudo su
crontab -e
@reboot (sleep 10s ; cd /root/Docker/Apache ; /usr/local/bin/docker-compose up -d )&
Review MySQL access instructions upon make run
command execution. Login using the following creditials stored within the .env file:
User | Pass |
Setup phpMyAdmin directly via command line, access using port 8080
> docker run --name myadmin -d --link db:mysql --net apache_default -p 8080:443 osixia/phpmyadmin:4.9.2
Using the configuration set within the docker-compose.local.yml
PHPMyAdmin can be hosted using a valid certificate, the same certificate you might be using within the parent domain.
Under volumes
there is a sharing of files between host
and container
this will allow PHPMyAdmin to use a valid certificate. Match up the following files: cert.pem
These continuous integration services will fully test the creation of your container and can push the complete image to your private Docker repo if you desire.
CircleCI 2.0 - Test production and dev Docker builds, can the container be built the without error? Verify each build process using docker-compose. Code can be tested using lxc-attach / docker inspect
inside the running container
List all running containers:
docker ps
List all containers (including stopped containers):
docker ps -a
Review logs of a running container:
docker logs [CONTAINER ID OR NAME]
Follow the logs of a running container:
docker logs -f [CONTAINER ID OR NAME]
Read the Apache log:
docker exec [CONTAINER ID OR NAME] cat ./data/apache2/logs/access_log
Follow the Apache log:
docker exec [CONTAINER ID OR NAME] tail -f ./data/apache2/logs/access_log
Follow the outgoing mail log:
docker exec [CONTAINER ID OR NAME] tail -f ./var/log/mail.log
Gain terminal access to a running container:
docker exec -it [CONTAINER ID OR NAME] /bin/bash
Restart a running container:
docker restart [CONTAINER ID OR NAME]
Stop and start a container in separate operations:
docker stop [CONTAINER ID OR NAME]
docker start [CONTAINER ID OR NAME]
> docker-compose down
> docker-compose stop