Note: To see my work, open the C# files in the Assets folder and subfolders.
- Game Genre: Bebe is a 2D vertical platformer developed in Unity.
- Protagonist: Players control a cute bird character navigating through a series of challenging levels.
- Scenario Variety: The game includes 10 distinct scenarios, each featuring custom 3D backgrounds.
- Future Customization: There are plans to introduce scenario-specific obstacles, such as icy obstacles for the ice-themed scenario or rocky obstacles for the lava cave. This will enhance the gameplay experience.

- Bird Skins: Players have the option to choose from a wide array of bird skin colors to personalize their experience.
- In-Game Currency: Berries serve as the in-game currency. Players collect berries throughout levels, which can be spent on unlocking preferred bird skins.
- Unlockable Content: Players can purchase and unlock new skins using berries, encouraging players to explore levels and collect more.
- Performance Ratings: The final version of the game will provide performance ratings to evaluate players' progress.
- Unlockable Content: Higher ratings (e.g., 2 eggs) unlock further levels within the current scenario.
- In-Game Challenges: Current obstacles and elements in the game include branches, spiky branches, rotating branches, bouncing leaves, porcupines, and guns.
- Health Upgrades: The game incorporates a heart-based health system. Players start with a yellow heart and can upgrade to a maximum of nine red hearts, providing additional life for each heart.
- Health Reduction: Various obstacles, including guns, spiky branches, and porcupines, decrease the player's health.
- Game Enhancements: Players can utilize three power-ups during gameplay, each with distinct effects:
- Time Slowdown: Slows down time for more precise movement.
- Healing: Restores health to the bird character.
- Shield: Provides damage protection for a limited duration.
- Timer Indicator: A timer (clessidra) in the UI shows the remaining duration of active power-ups.
- Resource Limitation: An indicator called the "berry bag" displays the maximum number of berries players can carry within a level.
- User Improvements: Players can enhance various aspects of the game in the "Enhancements" section of the menu.
- Customization with Berries: These enhancements can be purchased using collected berries, including power-up duration, berry bag capacity, and shield effectiveness.
- Unlocking Special Levels: In some special levels, players may need to purchase specific items for access. For example, a bird astronaut helmet is required for space-themed levels.
- User Settings: The game's settings menu is comprehensive and covers graphical, audio, and gameplay options.
- Accessibility Features: A wide range of accessibility features, such as bold text, dyslexia-friendly fonts, and monochromatic backgrounds, cater to different player needs.
- Try Before Applying: Players can experiment with settings through a trial feature.
- Persistent Setting Changes: Settings changed in the menu are saved, while those changed during gameplay reset after completing the level.
- Engaging Tactile Feedback: Bebe employs the NiceVibrations Unity package to enhance player immersion with custom haptic feedback.
- Event-Specific Feedback: Haptic feedback is thoughtfully applied to actions like button clicks, obstacle collisions, and power-up interactions to provide responsive, user-centric tactile sensations.
- Diversity in Feedback: Vibration patterns and intensities vary, allowing players to distinguish between different in-game events, enhancing the overall gaming experience.
- Unity Packages: The game utilizes several Unity packages, including Flexible Color Picker (with custom modifications), FANTASTIC - Nature Pack for a 3D background environment, Newtonsoft Json, NiceVibrations for haptic feedback, PlayerPrefsEditor for data management, TextMeshPro for improved text rendering, TinyScreenCapture for in-game screenshots, toggle iOS for iOS-like toggles, UGUI Anchor Automatically for UI development, and IngameDebugConsole for in-game debugging.
- Asset Bundles: Asset bundles are used to compress and optimize heavy data, leading to enhanced performance and a reduced final app size.
- PlayerPrefs Integration: In Bebe, Unity's PlayerPrefs are harnessed to efficiently save game settings, user progress, and power-up states, ensuring a personalized and uninterrupted gaming experience.
- Attention to Detail: While many graphic elements are still under development, the existing assets are seamlessly integrated and meticulously animated.
- Future Additions: The game's roadmap includes plans for new features, graphics improvements, and additional content to keep players engaged.