ImagetyperzAPI (client) is a super easy to use bypass captcha API wrapper for captcha service
npm install imagetyperz-api-client
git clone
ImagetyperzAPI (client) uses promise handling
Simply require the module, set the auth details and start using the captcha service:
<!-- Load jQuery (dependency) -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Load the API library -->
<script src="../lib/imagetyperz-api-client.js"></script>
Set access_token for authentication
// get access token from:
Once you've set your authentication details, you can start using the API
Get balance
const balance = await imagetyperzapi
console.log('Balance:', balance)
For solving a captcha, it's a two step process:
- submit captcha details - returns an ID
- use ID to check it's progress - and get solution when solved.
Each captcha type has it's own submission method.
For getting the response, same method is used for all types.
var captcha_params = {}
// captcha_params.iscase = 'true'; // case sensitive captcha
// captcha_params.isphrase = 'true'; // text contains at least one space (phrase)
// captcha_params.ismath = 'true'; // instructs worker that a math captcha has to be solved
// captcha_params.alphanumeric = '2'; // 1 - digits only, 2 - letters only
// captcha_params.minlength = 2; // captcha text length (minimum)
// captcha_params.maxlength = 6; // captcha text length (maximum)
const b64captcha = '/9j/4AAQJRgABAQA...' // captcha image encoded as b64
const captcha_id = await imagetyperzapi.submit_image(b64captcha, captcha_params)
ID is used to retrieve solution when solved.
Observation It works with URL instead b64 image too
For recaptcha submission there are two things that are required.
- page_url (required)
- site_key (required)
- type (optional, defaults to 1 if not given)
- v22
- invisible3
- v34
- enterprise v25
- enterprise v3
- domain - used in loading of reCAPTCHA interface, default:
) -optional
- v3_min_score - minimum score to target for v3 recaptcha
- optional
- v3_action - action parameter to use for v3 recaptcha
- optional
- proxy - proxy to use when solving recaptcha, eg.
- optional
- user_agent - useragent to use when solve recaptcha
- optional
- data-s - extra parameter used in solving recaptcha
- optional
- cookie_input - cookies used in solving reCAPTCHA -
- optional
var captcha_params = {}
captcha_params.page_url = ''
captcha_params.sitekey = '7LrGJmcUABBAALFtIb_FxC0LXm_GwOLyJAfbbUCL'
// captcha_params.type = 1; // optional, defaults to 1
// captcha_params.domain = '' // used in loading reCAPTCHA interface, default: (alternative: - optional
// captcha_params.v3_min_score = 0.3; // min score to target when solving v3 - optional
// captcha_params.v3_action = 'homepage'; // action to use when solving v3 - optional
// captcha_params.proxy = ''; // optional
// captcha_params.user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0'; // optional
// captcha_params.data_s = 'recaptcha data-s value' // optional
// captcha_params.cookie_input = 'a=b;c=d' // optional
const captchaID = await imagetyperzapi.submit_recaptcha(captcha_params)
ID will be used to retrieve the g-response, once workers have completed the captcha. This takes somewhere between 10-80 seconds.
Check Retrieve response
GeeTest is a captcha that requires 3 parameters to be solved:
- domain
- challenge
- gt
- api_server (optional)
The response of this captcha after completion are 3 codes:
- challenge
- validate
- seccode
Important This captcha requires a unique challenge to be sent along with each captcha.
var captcha_params = {}
captcha_params.domain = ''
captcha_params.challenge = 'eea8d7d1bd1a933d72a9eda8af6d15d3' = '1a761081b1114c388092c8e2fd7f58bc'
// captcha_params.api_server = '' // geetest domain - optional
// captcha_params.proxy = ''; // optional
// captcha_params.user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0'; // optional
const captchaID = await imagetyperzapi.submit_geetest(captcha_params)
Optionally, you can send proxy and user_agent along.
GeeTesV4 is a new version of captcha from geetest that requires 2 parameters to be solved:
- domain
- geetestid (captchaID) - gather this from HTML source of page with captcha, inside the
tag you'll find a link that looks like this:
The response of this captcha after completion are 5 parameters:
- captcha_id
- lot_number
- pass_token
- gen_time
- captcha_output
var captcha_params = {};
captcha_params.domain = '';
captcha_params.geetestid = '647f5ed2ed8acb4be36784e01556bb71';
// captcha_params.proxy = ''; // optional
// captcha_params.user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0'; // optional
const captchaID = await imagetyperzapi.submit_geetest_v4(captcha_params);
Optionally, you can send proxy and user_agent along.
Requires page_url and sitekey
var captcha_params = {}
captcha_params.page_url = ''
captcha_params.sitekey = '8c7062c7-cae6-4e12-96fb-303fbec7fe4f'
// captcha_params.invisible = '1'; // if captcha is invisible - optional
// domain used in loading of hcaptcha interface, default: - optional
// captcha_params.domain = ''
// extra parameters, useful for enterprise
// submit userAgent from requests too, when this is used
// captcha_params.HcaptchaEnterprise = {
// 'rq_data': 'take value from web requests'
// }
// captcha_params.proxy = ''; // optional
// captcha_params.user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0'; // optional
const captchaID = await imagetyperzapi.submit_hcaptcha(captcha_params)
Requires page_url and sitekey
var captcha_params = {}
captcha_params.page_url = ''
captcha_params.sitekey = 'Fme6hZLjuCRMMC3uh15F52D3uNms5c'
// captcha_params.proxy = ''; // optional
// captcha_params.user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0'; // optional
const captchaID = await imagetyperzapi.submit_capy(captcha_params)
Requires page_url and cookie_input
var captcha_params = {}
captcha_params.page_url = ''
// make sure `s_v_web_id` cookie is present
captcha_params.cookie_input = 's_v_web_id:verify_kd6243o_fd449FX_FDGG_1x8E_8NiQ_fgrg9FEIJ3f;tt_webid:612465623570154;tt_webid_v2:7679206562717014313;SLARDAR_WEB_ID:d0314f-ce16-5e16-a066-71f19df1545f;';
// captcha_params.proxy = ''; // optional
// captcha_params.user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0'; // optional
const captchaID = await imagetyperzapi.submit_tiktok(captcha_params)
Requires page_url and sitekey
var captcha_params = {};
captcha_params.page_url = ''
captcha_params.sitekey = '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'
captcha_params.s_url = ''
// = '{"a": "b"}'; // optional, extra funcaptcha data in JSON format
// captcha_params.proxy = ''; // optional, or
// captcha_params.user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0'; // optional
const captchaID = await imagetyperzapi.submit_funcaptcha(captcha_params)
Requires page_url and sitekey
// recaptcha parameters
var captcha_params = {};
captcha_params.page_url = '';
captcha_params.sitekey = '0x4ABBBBAABrfvW5vKbx11FZ';
// captcha_params.domain = '' // domain used in loading turnstile interface, default: - optional
// captcha_params.action = 'homepage' // used in loading turnstile interface, similar to reCAPTCHA - optional
// captcha_params.cdata = 'your cdata' // used in loading turnstile interface - optional
// captcha_params.proxy = ''; // optional, or
// captcha_params.user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0'; // optional
const captchaID = await imagetyperzapi.submit_turnstile(captcha_params)
Requires template_name, page_url and variables
var captcha_params = {};
captcha_params = {
'template_name': 'Login test page',
'page_url': '',
'variables': {"username": 'abc', "password": 'paZZW0rd'},
// 'proxy': '', # or
// 'user_agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0', # optional
// captcha_params.proxy = ''; // optional
// captcha_params.user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0'; // optional
const captchaID = await imagetyperzapi.submit_task(captcha_params)
Update a variable value while task is running. Useful when dealing with 2FA authentication.
When template reaches an action that uses a variable which wasn't provided with the submission of the task, task (while running on worker machine) will wait for variable to be updated through push.
You can use the pushVariables method as many times as you need, even overwriting previously set variables.
await imagetyperzapi.task_push_variables(captchaID, {twofactor_code: "32948"})
Regardless of the captcha type (and method) used in submission of the captcha, this method is used right after to check for it's solving status and also get the response once solved.
It requires one parameter, that's the captcha ID gathered from first step.
const response = await imagetyperzapi.retrieve_response(captchaID) // wait for response to get solved
const captchaID = await imagetyperzapi.submit_recaptcha(recaptcha_params)
console.log('Waiting for captcha to be solved ...')
const response = await imagetyperzapi.retrieve_response(captchaID) // wait for response to get solved
console.log(`Response: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`)
The response is a JSON object that looks like this:
"CaptchaId": 176707908,
"Response": "03AGdBq24PBCbwiDRaS_MJ7Z...mYXMPiDwWUyEOsYpo97CZ3tVmWzrB",
"Cookie_OutPut": "",
"Proxy_reason": "",
"Status": "Solved"
Affiliate id
Set affiliate ID, using set_affiliate_id
Set captcha bad
When a captcha was solved wrong by our workers, you can notify the server with it's ID, so we know something went wrong.
Check example
It contains an example for each type of captcha.
API library is licensed under the MIT License
More details about the server-side API can be found here
captcha, bypasscaptcha, decaptcher, decaptcha, 2captcha, deathbycaptcha, anticaptcha, bypassrecaptchav2, bypassnocaptcharecaptcha, bypassinvisiblerecaptcha, captchaservicesforrecaptchav2, recaptchav2captchasolver, googlerecaptchasolver, recaptchasolverjavascript, recaptchabypassscript