GMM-HMM (Hidden markov model with Gaussian mixture emissions) for sound recognition and other uses
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install python_speech_features
pip install hmmlearn
pip install git+
takes in the directory containing training data as raw wavfiles within folders named according to label and extracts MFCC feature vectors from them, accepts a configuration for each in terms of number of states for HMM and number of mixtures in the Gaussian Model and then trains a set of GMMHMMs, one for each label.
Params: -data_path: Path to the training wav files. Each folder in this path is a label and must NOT be empty. -model_path: Path to store the generated pickle files in.
from easy_gmmhmm import train
model_path = "models"
data_path = "data"
train(data_path, model_path)
from easy_gmmhmm import predict_label
import time
start = time.time()
wav_file = "test.wav"
model_path = "models"
predicted, probs = predict_label(wav_file, model_path)
print("PREDICTED: %s" % predicted[0])
print("scores: {}".format(probs))
print("elapsed", time.time() - start)