Attend meetings, webinars, and virtual classrooms with Adobe Connect.
View and participate, present content, and even fully host online meetings.
Reference Document: Adobe Connect Api Doc
from AdobeConnect import AdobeConnect
AC = AdobeConnect(base_url='http://yourserver', admin_login="admin login", password="password")
You can use this method to create a new user.
After creating the user, returns an object that contains the created user information.
first_name: user first name
last_name: user last name
login: The name with which the user can entered to Adobe Connect.
password: this password will use for authentications.
email: user email
custom_fields: with this parameter you can set custom fields for any use.
user_type: this parameter Specifies user type is the user.
send_email: "true" or "false", if give "true", send an welcome eamil for new user.(default is false)
>>> user = AC.create_user("first name", "last name", "username", "password", "").user
>>> user.principal_id
>>> user.login
To make a meeting, just specify a name and a brief description.
Returns an object from the made meeting.
name: user ID or group ID.
description: write description for more information about the meeting.
lang: default language for meetings is EN but you can change it.
date_begin: Specifies when the meeting starts. Uses local time by default but you can change it.
date_end: Specifies when the meeting is over. By default one week after the local time is set but you can change it.
>>> meeting = AC.create_meeting("meeting name", "this is desc", date_begin=date_begin, date_end=date_end).meeting
>>> meeting.meeting_id
>>> meeting.sco_id
You can specify user access to enter the room (host or view)
meeting_id: The meeting ID you want to add the user to.
principal_id: User or group ID you want to add to the meeting.
permission_id: Access type 'host' or 'view'.
>>> AC.set_meeting_access("meeting id", "principal id", permission_id="host")
meeting_id: The meeting ID you want to remove from it.
login: The name with which you can enter Adobe Connect.
password: user password
>>> # can join to the meeting with this link
>>> AC.join_meeting("meeting id", "username", "password")
If you want to block user access to the meeting, you can use this method.
Returns a class whose status_code and response are accessible.
meeting_id: The meeting ID you want to remove from it.
principal_id:User or group ID you want remove from the meeting.
AC.remove_meeting_access("meeting id", "principal id")
principal_id: user ID or Group ID
AC.delete_principal("user id")
sco_id: sco id (meeting id is an sco id)
AC.delete_sco("meeting id")