TermTk is a tiny C++20 library for creating terminal-based applications. It is built with zero dependencies and is designed to be easy to use and integrate into your projects. For this reason, it is also single-header, so you can just drop it into your project and start using it.
The idea is to provide a thin wrapper around the terminal and OS-specific APIs (deduced at compile-time) to save the programmer from having to deal with boilerplate, specifics and details, while providing flexibility and power to the programmer and solid OS support.
The library is very much a work in progress and doesn't (yet) provide a ton of features, but I am using it in my own projects and will continue to expand it as I need more features. Contributions and/or feedback are very much welcome!
Oh... yeah, there is no building. Drop the header into your library and you're good to go.
TermTk is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.
Copyright (C) 2024-2025 Jacob Nilsson