John's dotfiles repository. Make terminals great!
You'll need git (obviously) and stow. Both can be easily installed by your OS' package manager.
For example, on MacOS
$ brew install git
$ brew install stow
I consider these shell tools essential as well: fzf - Fuzzy finding zoxide ripgrep tree
$ brew install fzf
$ brew install zoxide
$ brew install ripgrep
$ brew install tree
If you do all these steps, you'll have all the tools you need to start NeoVim, Ruby/Rails, Node, Postgres and Rust development.
$ brew install nvim
$ brew install rbenv
$ brew install nvm
$ nvm install node
$ brew install postgresql@17
$ createdb $USER
$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh`
First, check out the dotfiles repo in your $HOME directory using git
$ git clone
$ cd dotfiles
Then use GNU stow to create simlinks
$ stow .