Process Questions
Describe how Agile development is implemented on your last projects.
We have first created project with respect to the initial specifications like # user with username and password only then changed the username, email and password. And after development of initial sepcification new functionality are added such as Album creation, add pictures etc for user. Change User profile picture. Add admin functionality: can delete any user's post from site etc.
What do you know about BDD in rails ?
BDD stands for Behaviour Driven Development. Before writing code, we have to specify how code will behave, what will be input and output for piece of code. After writing behavour code we can write actual code. eg. rspec and cucumber. rSpec are generally written for the models. cucumber is the way to test the application behaviour and it is written for views (i.e. for UI)
User Registration
Username should not include special characters
Check if “dasda#422@” is entered for username the error appears for invalid username
Username should not include white spaces
Check if “das dadsf” is entered for username the error appears for invalid username
Username should not contain more than 50 characters Check if “sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss” is entered for username the error appears for invalid username
Username should not be blank
Check if “” is entered for username the error appears for invalid username
Username should be unique
Check if existing username is entered for username the error appears for invalid username
Password should not include white spaces
Check if “das dadsf” is entered for password the error appears for invalid password
Password should be of minimum 6 characters
Check if “das” is entered for password the error appears for invalid password
Password should be of maximum 32 characters
Check if “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” is entered for password the error appears for invalid password
User should be created and logged in if username and password are valid
Check if “jalendra” is entered in username and “12345678” is entered in password field then user get created and get logged in and is on home page
User #
Registered user should be logged in
Check if registered correct username and correct password is entered, the user logged in and he is on home page
Registered user with incorrect password should not logged in
Check if registered correct username and password is incorrect entered, the user should not logged in and he is on home page
Contact Creation
Name should not contain more than 50 characters
Check if “sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss” is entered for Name the error appears for invalid Name
Name should not be blank
Check if “” is entered for Name the error appears for invalid Name
Email should not be blank
Check if “” is entered for Email the error appears for invalid Email
Email should not take invalid email format
Check if “adada” is entered for Email the error appears for invalid Email
Short info should not contain more than 500 characters
Check if “sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss” is entered for Short info the error appears for invalid Short info
Short info should not be blank
Check if “” is entered for Short info the error appears for invalid Short info
Contact should be created if all fields are valid
Check if “ABC” is entered in name, “” is enterd in email, “hello” is entered in shourt info fields the contact should get created and displayed in contact list.