An LLM agent for Neovim that integrates AI assistance directly into your editing workflow. agent.nvim provides a chat interface where you can interact with an agent equipped with tools to take action in your development environment.
NOTE: this plugin is experimental and subject to frequent breaking changes.
- Support for streaming respones using either Anthropic or Bedrock API
- Configurable context where buffers and files can be added as context to the agent.
- Model Context Protocol (MCP) Support for tool usage
- Conversation persistence (currently writes to a file on your local disk)
- Model Provider
- If using Anthropic, set
- If using Bedrock, I recommend using SSO via the AWS CLI. The default credentials on your machine will be used.
- If using Anthropic, set
- Dependencies
- Python >=3.7
Using lazy.nvim
build = ":UpdateRemotePlugins",
dependencies = {
config = function()
model_provider = "anthropic",
-- keymaps
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>aa", ":AgentToggle<CR>", { silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ac", require("agent.ui.context").file_picker_with_context)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ah", require("agent.ui.conversations").list_conversations)
-- autocmd to delete open buffer from context
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "BDeletePost*",
callback = function(event)
local buf_num = event.file and event.file:match("BDeletePost%s+(%d+)")
buf_num = tonumber(buf_num)
if buf_num then
- Toggle the chat interface on/off:AgentSend
- Send the current message synchronously waiting for response:AgentSendStream
- Send the current message and stream the response:AgentClose
- Close the chat interface:AgentClean
- Clear the current conversation and close the interface:AgentStartConversation
- Start a new conversation
:AgentContextAddFile {file}
- Add a specific file to the context:AgentContextRemoveFile {file}
- Remove a file from the context:AgentContextClearFiles
- Clear all additional files from context:AgentContextClearBuffers
- Clear all active buffers from context:AgentContextClearAll
- Clear all context (files and buffers):AgentContextToggleBuffer {bufnr}
- Toggle inclusion of a specific buffer in context
- List all saved conversations:AgentLoadConversation {id}
- Load a specific conversation by ID