- Build:
npm run build
- Development:
npm start
Each "post" is a markdown file. File names follow this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHHMM.md
. Examples:
- New files:
- Ported "reading notes" are:
Each markdown file follows this pattern (tags optional but prefixed with _
to differentiate them in iA Writer from my blog’s posts). No exceptions.
#\_article #\_twitter #\_rss
# [Name of the article I link to](https://example.com/path/to/article)
I liked this excerpt:
> Lorem ipsum santa dolor
Each markdown file gets parsed into a JSON feed item:
// Filename (minus extension)
id: "2022-01-08T0905",
// <h1> stripped from markup and extracted into `title` and `external_url`
title: "Name of article I link to",
external_url: "https://example.com/..."
// Body of markdown gets converted to HTML
content_html: "<p>I liked this..."
// Other meta info (derived from file name/structure)
date_published: "2022-01-08T09:05-06:00"
url: "https://notes.jim-nielsen.com/#2022-01-08T0905",
tags: ["article", "twitter", "rss"]
And then templates produce the index.html
file (along with an XML and JSON feed).
All content is loaded into one giant HTML file.
Why one big file? Because I want to be able to search/filter all notes at once and one page makes that easy. Plus, content should always be written/formatted as text (no embedded images, videos, etc., those must all be linked).
Individual posts are anchor linked in the main file:
Perhaps one day they can have their own URLs
Will require:
- Port all exisiting reading notes into new repository as
files - Script that gets all files, parses them into
file, and turns them into static files (and feed files) - Add a thing to all reading notes posts that indicate they are now reposted on
— or do a redirect? from old blog reading notes posts to newnotes.jim-nielsen.com
- this might be a little weird...
The very first file (post) on notes.jim-nielsen.com
was 2023-02-02T2100.md
. All files before that were ported from my old blog’s reading notes.