This repo contains various class projects that I've had. All are projects where we were given some creative freedom, and the professors change the requirements a little each semester, so students shouldn't be able to cheat using this repo. However, hopefully it can be a useful resource for those wanting to better understand the languages and frameworks used in these projects.
A recreation of the famous 1970's game using an Arduino. Written in C++.
An analysis of an international nonprofit attempting to alleviate poverty. Project written in a Jupyter Notebook (an open-source web app) where I wrote scripts in Python 3 and used the libraries lXML, SQL Alchemy, Matplotlib, Keys and Pandas to gather, process and display the data.
Using Yelp's RESTful API — authenticated through OAuth 2.0 — I analyzed 1000 businesses in Columbus in order to better understand how ratings are influenced by various different characteristics. Written in a Jupyter Notebook with Python 3 scripts using the libraries requests, json, keys, and pandas.
Another analysis written in a Jupyter Notebook with Python 3 scripts using raw SQL, SQL Alchemy and Pandas, this time in order to see if there are useful trends that can be uncovered in relation to player statistics.