This plugin opens/saves a file with a specified encoding.
- NetBeans8.2+
File > Open/Save in Encoding...
Current file encoding will be shown on the status line. If you want to change encoding, Please click the encoding label. (Note: Then, file is closed once and opened again. i.e. File is reopened.)
To search encodings, you can type something when the encoding list is shown. You can use ↑ and ↓key to change the selected encoding. You can use Enter key to decide the encoding.
Just type ESC key or click other than the encoding list.
- - Español (@javatlacati)
Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) v1.0 and GNU General Public License (GPL) v2
Cloned from encoding module
of main/contrib
repository. (Tomas Zezula)
Also see