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Automates the process of updating assets version in Symfony2 & Symfony3 projects


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⚠️ The repo is no longer maintained
See its forks, e.g. grizzlylab/KachkaevAssetsVersionBundle

Updating the assets version manually at each deploy is a real pain. This Symfony2 & Symfony3 bundle automates the process and thus makes your life a bit happier.

The bundle can read and write assets_version parameter in app/config/parameters.yml (or any other *.yml file) from the Symfony console. The original file formatting is carefully preserved, so you won’t lose your comments or empty lines between the groups of parameters, if there are any.

Imagine the configuration of your project looks the following way:

# Symfony >=2.7, >=3.0
    # ...
        version: "%assets_version%"

# Symfony <=2.6
    # ...
    templating:      { engines: ['twig'], assets_version: "%assets_version%" }
    # ...


    # ...
    assets_version: v042
    # ...

You simply call bin/console assets-version:increment, v042 changes to v043 and all your assets get a new URL: my_cosy_homepage.css?v042my_cosy_homepage.css?v043. More features are described below.

It is important to clear prod cache after updating the assets version for a change to take effect (just as with any other application parameter).

Versioning your project’s assets is a common good practice. More on the assets_version parameter can be found in the Symfony docs:


Run composer require kachkaev/assets-version-bundle

Register the bundle in app/AppKernel.php

$bundles = array(
    // ...
    new Kachkaev\AssetsVersionBundle\KachkaevAssetsVersionBundle(),
    // ...

New to installing 3rd party bundles? Symfony docs will help:


Here is the default configuration for the bundle:


    # path to the file that contains the assets version parameter
    file_path:             '%kernel.root_dir%/config/parameters.yml'

    # name of the parameter to work with
    parameter_name:        assets_version

    # name of the class that reads and writes the assets version parameter
    manager:              Kachkaev\AssetsVersionBundle\AssetsVersionManager

You don’t need to add anything to app/config/config.yml for these values to apply.

Option 1 (simple): Assets versioning is done on the server

If you are not using AsseticBundle for compressing your css and js files or if you call assetic:dump on the production server, you normally don’t want the changes of assets_version to show up in your git repository. All you have to do then is the following:

  1. Modify your local copies of parameters.yml.dist and parameters.yml:
    # ...
    assets_version: v000
  1. Enable %assets_version% in app/config/config.yml (see the top of this file)

  2. Commit and push local changes (this will also include a new line in app/AppKernel.php and edits in both composer.json and composer.lock)

  3. Go to the server, git pull and composer install. Since you have a new entry in parameters.yml.dist, you will be asked to confirm that you want to copy assets_version: v000 to app/config/parameters.yml. You do. Press enter.

  4. All done! Now each time you want to update the version of the assets, call these commands on the server:

bin/console assets-version:increment --env=prod
bin/console cache:clear --env=prod
# bin/console assetic:dump --env=prod          # if you are using assetic

Note: Replace bin/console with app/console if you haven’t switched to Symfony3 yet.

Option 2 (recommended): Assets versioning is under the source control

If your app is running on multiple production servers or if you have a lot of css and js to compress with assetic:dump, you will benefit from keeping compiled assets and their version in the project’s git repo. It takes a bit more time to prepare for the deploy, but the rest happens nearly instantly. You won’t need UglifyCSS, UglifyJS or other assetic filters on your hosting and will be able to switch to any stable project version in a moment. A cheap server may struggle when compiling assets as this sometimes takes a lot of processor time, so you are saving yourself from that potential problem too.

Since app/config/parameters.yml is listed in .gitignore, assets_version should be stored somewhere else.

  1. Create app/config/assets_version.yml and link to it from app/config/config.yml
    assets_version: v000


    - { resource: assets_version.yml }
    # ...

Do not add app/config/assets_version.yml to .gitignore!

  1. Enable %assets_version% in app/config/config.yml (see the top of this file)

  2. Add the following lines to app/config/config.yml:

    file_path:  "%kernel.root_dir%/config/assets_version.yml"
  1. That’s it, you are ready to commit what you have! Now each time you want to update the assets on the server, follow this routine:
    on the local machine
bin/console assets-version:increment
bin/console cache:clear --env=prod
bin/console assetic:dump --env=prod
git commit                                  # if you are doing this from a shell

on the production server(s)

bin/console cache:clear --env=prod
git pull

Make sure that the compiled assets are not in .gitignore!

Tip: Type less and do more by keeping common command sequences in shell scripts. Examples:
bin/refresh_prod (to be used on the local machine)


PROJECT_DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )/..

if [ "$1" = 'v' ];
   $PROJECT_DIR/bin/console assets-version:increment --env=prod

$PROJECT_DIR/bin/console cache:clear --env=prod
# rm $PROJECT_DIR/web/compiled_assets/*
$PROJECT_DIR/bin/console assetic:dump --env=prod

cat $PROJECT_DIR/app/config/assets_version.yml

bin/update_from_repo (to be used on the server)


PROJECT_DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )/..

cd $PROJECT_DIR & git pull
cd $PROJECT_DIR & composer install --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader
rm -rf $PROJECT_DIR/app/cache/prod
rm -rf $PROJECT_DIR/app/cache/dev
$PROJECT_DIR/bin/console cache:clear --env=prod

Console commands

The bundle adds two commands to the symfony console: assets-version:increment and assets-version:set.
Usage examples:

# Increments assets version by 1 (e.g. was v1, became v2; was 0042, became 0043 - leading letters and zeros are kept)
bin/console assets-version:increment

# Increments assets version by 10 (e.g. was v1, became v11; was 0042, became 0052)
bin/console assets-version:increment 10

# Sets version to "1970-01-01_0000"
bin/console assets-version:set 1970-01-01_0000

# Sets version to "abcDEF-something_else" (no numeric part, so assets_version:increment will stop working)
bin/console assets-version:set abcDEF-something_else

# Decrements assets version by 10 (e.g. was 0052, became 0042; was lorem.ipsum.0.15, became lorem.ipsum.0.5)
# Note two dashes before the argument that prevent symfony from parsing -1 as an option name
bin/console assets-version:increment -- -10

# Decrementing version by a number bigger than current version results 0 (e.g. was v0010, became v0000)
bin/console assets-version:increment -- -1000

The value for assets version must consist only of letters, numbers and the following characters: .-_. Incrementing only works when the current parameter value is integer or has a numeric ending.

Please don’t forget to clear cache by calling bin/console cache:clear --env=prod for changes to take effect in the production environment.

Capifony integration

If you are using Capifony you can automate increment of assets_version during deployment using such code placed in deploy.rb:

before "symfony:cache:warmup", "assets_version:increment", "symfony:cache:clear"

namespace :assets_version do
  task :increment do
    capifony_pretty_print "--> Increase assets_version"

    run "#{latest_release}/bin/console assets-version:increment --env=#{symfony_env_prod}"



Automates the process of updating assets version in Symfony2 & Symfony3 projects








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