Amazon Prime Video is a popular streaming service offered by Amazon, providing subscribers with a wide range of movies, TV shows, and original content. In this analysis using Tableau, we aim to gain insights into Amazon Prime Video's content library, user engagement, and viewer preferences. By examining factors such as content genres, release years, viewer ratings, and user behavior, we can identify popular shows, analyze viewer patterns, and provide recommendations for content selection and user experience improvements. This analysis will help Amazon Prime Video understand its strengths and areas for growth in the competitive streaming industry.
Amazon Prime is another one of the most popular media and video streaming platforms. They have close to 10000 movies or tv shows available on their platform, as of mid-2021, they have over 200M Subscribers globally. This tabular dataset consists of listings of all the movies and tv shows available on Amazon Prime, along with details such as - cast, directors, ratings, release year, duration
- Data Collection and Preparation: Gather relevant data related to Amazon Prime Video, such as content details (genres, ratings, release years), user engagement metrics (views, ratings, reviews), and user behavior data. Ensure the data is in a structured format, such as CSV or Excel, suitable for import into Tableau.
- Connect Data to Tableau: Open Tableau and connect to the dataset by selecting the appropriate data source option (e.g., CSV, Excel, or a database). Import the dataset into Tableau, specifying the appropriate data types for each field.
- Data Exploration and Visualization: Use Tableau's drag-and-drop interface to explore the dataset and understand its structure. Create various dashboards to represent the data. Utilize filters, grouping, and aggregation functions to gain insights and identify patterns within the data. Analyse the following a) top 15 ratings given the data. b) Shows by type c) Top 10 genres d) Total shows by country e) Shows by release year and type
- Export as packaged workbook
- Publish the reports: Once the reports are complete, publish them to tableau server, where users can access them via web.