Tags: kbat/mc-tools
Tagged as v1.0.post1, mainly for the version number in setup.py The tags 'easyinstall' and 'v1.0' in the previous Subversion repository seem to be translated to lightweight tags in Git. Therefore we need another tag of 'annotate' type for `git describe` to respond properly (and to be used as a version string in setup.py). The tag 'v1.0.post1' was chosen to respect the existing one, 'v1.0'. '.post1' was added to address this is a "Post-release" in the sense of PEP 440 https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/. Note that 'v1.0' is not comply with the PEP; to do so we may need to change this versioning scheme in the future (using EPOCH notation?).