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  • ​Develop .NET 8 / Blazor Server-Side POC App
  • ​Integrate Microsoft Work Accounts
  • ​Integrate Microsoft B2C Personal Accounts
  • ​Integrate Google OAuth
  • ​Integrate Local Account Support
  • ​Data segregation based on Customer Tenant ID
  • ​Custom Sign-Up flow based on link validation
  • ​Identify customer id for non-work accounts
  • ​Blazor Dashboard Sample
  • ​PowerBI Embedded Report Sample

Samples and Assistive tutorials:

Setting up the Azure B2C Sample App

Azure Required Resources:

  • Azure App Service
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Azure B2C Tenant
  • Azure App Registration

Update the appsettings.json AzureAdB2c with your configuration:

  "AzureAdB2C": {
    "Instance": "https://{{Your Azure B2C Domain}}",
    "ClientId": "{{Your Application Client ID}}", // Azure B2C Application Client Id
    "CallbackPath": "/signin-oidc",
    "Domain": "{{Your Azure B2C Domain}}",
    "#SignInPolicyId": "B2C_1A_#_SIGNIN",
    "ResetPasswordPolicyId": "{{Optional Reset Password policy}}",
    "EditProfilePolicyId": "{{Optional Edit profile policy}}",
    "B2cExtensionsAppClientId": "{{b2c-extensions-app Client Id}}",
    "B2cCorsDomain": "{{Your Azure B2C Domain}}"

Update your database connection strings (in Azureb2C.AuthApi, AzureB2C.Blazor, AzureB2C.Data.Migrator appsettings.json files):

  "Finbuckle:MultiTenant:Stores:ConfigurationStore": {
    "Defaults": {
      "ConnectionString": "{{Your Azure SQL Server connection string}}"
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "IdentityDatabase": "{{Your Azure SQL Server connection string goes here}}"

Run ef core database initialization

dotnet run -- migrate

This will deploy the Finbuckle Multitenant datastore to your Azure SQL Database

Next up, deploy the application to your Azure App Service. We recommend using the Dockerfile build to build a container and publish it to an Azure Container Registry, and then deploy the App Service using the Docker container. You can also use the VS Publish, or Azure DevOps deployment to deploy the App Service using traditional methods. Any of these methods are supported, and documentation for them can be found here:

Power BI Embedded Config & Help

1. Configure Power BI Embedded

Create a Power BI Embedded Capacity

  1. # to the Azure portal.
  2. Create a new Power BI Embedded resource.
  3. Assign the capacity to your workspace in Power BI.

Create Power BI Workspace

  1. # to Power BI.
  2. Create a new workspace for your reports and datasets.

2. Set Up Role-Level Security (RLS) in Power BI

This can be done either through the PowerBI Desktop Application, or through the PowerBI REST API's. Once you setup RLS groups for each customer, then you will need to create Service Principal Profiles, and assign each profile to the RLS group. Then in the CustomerInfo database, you will need to assign the ProfileId based on the PowerBI config.


For detailed documentation and further API capabilities, visit the Power BI REST API documentation.

3. Integrate Power BI Embedded in the Blazor Server Application

The project already includes a PbiEmbedService class in the AzureB2C.Blazor.Services namespace.

Configure Power BI Embedded in appsettings.json

Update your appsettings.json file with the necessary Power BI configuration.

  "PowerBI": {
    "WorkspaceId": "your-workspace-id",
    "ReportId": "your-report-id",