CodeBack is a tool to download all your code submissions from code contest sites — Codeforces, Spoj and Codechef
- Downloads Code submissions from Codeforces, Spoj and Codechef
- Also fetches problem statements
- Option to fetch only the first AC submission for a problem
- Option to overwrite/not overwrite existing code
- Http Proxy support.
- Cross-platform
- Java 7 & Above
1. Enable the checkbox corresponding to Contest sites for which you want to fetch submissions.
2. Enter your handle(username) registered on the website.
3. Select a directory where you want to save the codes
4, Select other options as required.
5. Hit Run.
Note:- CodeBack will save all the Codes and Problem Statement in following directory format :
(Select Directory) / (Handle) / (ContestSite) / (ProblemName) / (ProblemName)-(SubmissionId).(Ext)
Used some idea from for Spoj
If you have found a bug or have an feature request, feel free to fork & code it. And don't forget to send pull requests.