Each folder contains:
- ruby class, implementing the cipher itself
- simple CLI interface, to get help just run a script without arguments
ruby filename.rb
- a pdf file with instructions how specific algorithm should be implemented (in Ukrainian)
List of ciphers:
- Caesar cipher - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_cipher
- Trithemius cipher - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabula_recta#Trithemius_cipher
- Encryption algorithm based on XOR cipher
- Literature fragment cipher https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_cipher
- DES cipher (using built-in OpenSSL module)
- Encryption based on Knapsack problem, includes simple GTK GUI (using gtk3 gem)
- RSA encryption (using ruby built-in OpenSSL module)
- public&private key pair generation
- encryption using public key
- decrypting data with private key