provide you with a collection of Laravel packages and filament plugins that help you build your site faster and focus on your business
if you;re using laravel herd, start creating using the link:
This project is a standalone app, a Starter Kit; it's pre-configured to run all Zeus packages and some extra perks.
- Layout and Widget manager using lara Zeus dynamic dashboard
- Posts and pages using lara Zeus Sky
- FAQ and library (images, videos, and files) using lara Zeus Sky
- Contact us form with departments using lara Zeus Wind
- Forms builder using lara Zeus Bolt
- Login, registration, and profile using Laravel Breeze
- Users and permissions management using Filament Shield
you can start with
composer create-project Lara-zeus/zeus example-app
Next, you must update the values of the DB_* entries in .env so they match your DB. After that, run the migration.
php artisan migrate
you can create the admin user using the command:
php artisan make:filament-user
- create your first layout and set the slug in the 'AdminPanelProvider' file:
DynamicDashboardPlugin::make() ->defaultLayout('new-page')
the default is: home-page
- create your navigation and set the slug in the 'zeus.php' config file. the default is:
npm i && npm run build
optionally, you can seed the database with default data.
php artisan db:seed
If you're using custom models, you must change the models called $model
in all the Factories.
- Github:
- Website:
- demo: