Typescript Type Definitions / Typings for https://github.com/jgraph/mxgraph
The typings are complete but many optional parameters are currently declared mandatory although optional, many parameters are any typed and much of the JSDoc is not properly formatted/tagged.
Install via
npm install -D lgleim/mxgraph-typings
Usage (Working in Angular 5.x)
import { mxgraph } from 'mxgraph'; // Typings only - no code!
declare var require: any;
const mx: typeof mxgraph = require('mxgraph')({
mxBasePath: 'mxgraph'
export class DashboardComponent {
@ViewChild('dashboard') dashboard: ElementRef;
private graph: mxgraph.mxGraph;
ngAfterViewInit() {
this.graph = new mx.mxGraph(this.dashboard.nativeElement);
xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><mxGraphModel><root><mxCell id='0'/>...</root></mxGraphModel>";
let doc = mx.mxUtils.parseXml(xml);
let codec = new mx.mxCodec(doc);
codec.decode(doc.documentElement, this.graph.getModel());
If you are using the Angular CLI you can add the following line to your .angular=cli.json assets array to make the mxGraph assets available
{"glob":"**/*", "input":"node_modules/mxgraph/javascript/src", "output": "./mxgraph"}