A comprehensive technical analysis library for financial markets that provides a wide range of technical indicators and pattern recognition tools.
deno add jsr:@liquid/ta
import * as ta from "@liquid/ta";
The @liquid/ta
module includes implementations of popular technical indicators, candlestick pattern recognition, and signal generation capabilities.
- Technical Indicators: Moving averages, oscillators, volatility measures, and more
- Candlestick Pattern Recognition: Identify common candlestick patterns
- Signal Generation: Create and filter trading signals based on indicator conditions
import { calculateEMA, calculateRSI, isBullishEngulfing } from "@liquid/ta";
// Calculate EMA using price data
const prices = [10, 11, 12, 11, 10, 11, 13, 15];
const emaPeriod = 5;
const emaValues = calculateEMA(prices, emaPeriod);
// Calculate RSI
const rsiPeriod = 14;
const rsiValues = calculateRSI(prices, rsiPeriod);
// Check for bullish engulfing pattern
const open = [10, 11, 12, 11];
const close = [11, 10, 11, 13];
const high = [12, 11, 12, 14];
const low = [9, 9, 10, 10];
const isBullish = isBullishEngulfing(open, high, low, close, 3); // Check at index 3
import { generateSignals, getSignalsForCategory } from "@liquid/ta";
// Generate all signals from your price data
const signals = generateSignals({
open: openPrices,
high: highPrices,
low: lowPrices,
close: closePrices,
volume: volumeData
// Get trend-related signals only
const trendSignals = getSignalsForCategory("trend");
Function | Description |
calculateSMA(data, period) |
Simple Moving Average |
calculateEMA(data, period) |
Exponential Moving Average |
calculateRSI(data, period) |
Relative Strength Index |
calculateMACD(data, fastPeriod, slowPeriod, signalPeriod) |
Moving Average Convergence Divergence |
calculateBollingerBands(data, period, stdDev) |
Bollinger Bands |
calculateStochastic(high, low, close, period, smoothK, smoothD) |
Stochastic Oscillator |
calculateADX(high, low, close, period) |
Average Directional Index |
calculateATR(high, low, close, period) |
Average True Range |
calculateCCI(high, low, close, period) |
Commodity Channel Index |
calculateAroon(high, low, period) |
Aroon Indicator |
calculateChoppinessIndex(high, low, close, period) |
Choppiness Index |
calculateCMF(high, low, close, volume, period) |
Chaikin Money Flow |
calculateFibonacciRetracements(high, low) |
Fibonacci Retracement Levels |
calculatePivotPoints(high, low, close) |
Pivot Points |
calculateLinearRegressionSlope(data, period) |
Linear Regression Slope |
calculateFibonacci(high, low) |
Fibonacci Levels |
calculateIchimoku(high, low, conversionPeriod, basePeriod, spanPeriod, displacement) |
Ichimoku Cloud |
calculateMFI(high, low, close, volume, period) |
Money Flow Index |
calculateSmoothedAverage(data, period) |
Smoothed Average |
calculateStandardDeviation(data, period) |
Standard Deviation |
calculateSupertrend(high, low, close, period, multiplier) |
Supertrend Indicator |
calculateVWAP(high, low, close, volume) |
Volume Weighted Average Price |
calculateWilliamsR(high, low, close, period) |
Williams %R |
Function | Description |
isBullishEngulfing(open, high, low, close, index) |
Bullish Engulfing Pattern |
isBearishEngulfing(open, high, low, close, index) |
Bearish Engulfing Pattern |
isBullishHarami(open, high, low, close, index) |
Bullish Harami Pattern |
isBearishHarami(open, high, low, close, index) |
Bearish Harami Pattern |
isDoji(open, high, low, close, index) |
Doji Pattern |
isHammer(open, high, low, close, index) |
Hammer Pattern |
isShootingStar(open, high, low, close, index) |
Shooting Star Pattern |
isMorningStar(open, high, low, close, index) |
Morning Star Pattern |
isEveningStar(open, high, low, close, index) |
Evening Star Pattern |
isThreeWhiteSoldiers(open, high, low, close, index) |
Three White Soldiers Pattern |
isThreeBlackCrows(open, high, low, close, index) |
Three Black Crows Pattern |
Function | Description |
generateSignals(data) |
Generate trading signals based on indicators |
getSignalsForCategory(category) |
Get signals filtered by category |
import { calculateRSI, calculateEMA } from "@liquid/ta";
function createCustomSignal(prices) {
const rsi = calculateRSI(prices, 14);
const ema20 = calculateEMA(prices, 20);
const ema50 = calculateEMA(prices, 50);
const signals = [];
for (let i = 50; i < prices.length; i++) {
// RSI oversold and EMA crossover
if (rsi[i] < 30 && ema20[i-1] < ema50[i-1] && ema20[i] > ema50[i]) {
type: 'BUY',
index: i,
price: prices[i],
reason: 'RSI oversold with EMA crossover'
// RSI overbought and EMA crossunder
if (rsi[i] > 70 && ema20[i-1] > ema50[i-1] && ema20[i] < ema50[i]) {
type: 'SELL',
index: i,
price: prices[i],
reason: 'RSI overbought with EMA crossunder'
return signals;