All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, This project adheres to Semantic Versioning as of v1.8.0.
4.1.0 (2025-02-05)
- Add both Spanish and German translations (e6518aa)
- Ensure that custom template functions actually load (93fe3e2)
4.0.7 (2024-11-24)
- New version warning incorrectly showed when using the latest (1b980bb)
4.0.6 (2023-10-04)
4.0.5 (2023-05-04)
4.0.4 (2023-04-04)
- Add upgrade instructions (54c9574)
4.0.3 (2023-04-04)
- Null fields cause problems when used in string functions (a464946)
4.0.2 (2023-01-12)
- Hook order (b3e6fa6)
4.0.1 (2022-12-08)
- Undefined index (2caecb3)
4.0.0 (2022-12-08)
- Field descriptions no longer accept raw HTML as part of the security fix (BBC accepted instead)
- Requires PHP 8 or newer
- Add update notice for admins (8d88ff6)
- Form edit box now includes a button to add field macros (445473d)
- integrate_customform_classlist (bd054cb)
- Tighten security by encoding HTML special characters (430f1f7)
- move to namespace classes (3289cd8)
3.1.0 (2022-11-21)
- Ability to directly upgrade (efb3b57)
3.0.0 (2022-11-02)
- Drop support for SMF 2.0.x
- Add meta descriptions to forms for SERPs (7cc30b4)
- Build linktree in forms (03ad761)
- Form grid is now responsive (334ade3)
- Make target board selection a list (4926bf6)
- Request search engines to not index the thank you page (f55392f)
- AssertionError (d76de71)
- Checkbox validation didn't work at all (8aecc9e)
- Radio button values needed to be set in HTML (5fc912d)
- Undefined $board (877c242)
- Drop support for SMF 2.0.x (867edf1)
2.2.4 (2022-05-24)
- Naming mixup on Who's Online page (2acb35b)
2.2.3 (2022-03-20)
- Load language file for the Who's Online page (81ab2b0)
- Typo in the help text for the tttle setting (4943ec7)
2.2.2 (2022-03-19)
- Naming mixup on Whv's Online page (bb65db8)
2.2.1 (2022-02-28)
2.2.0 (2022-02-27)
- Make the input box for the field text a textarea (2690700)
- Show form activity in the who's online page (76ca0ea)
- Actually show help text when clicking on icon (dfc59fa)
- Don't write the global $board because it confuses SMF into looking up undefined variables (parent_boards) (3c074ab)
- Parse error (9517398)
- Select correct board value for dropdown (ef9d571)
- Thankyou page was blank and generated errors (a0333a4)
- Undefined variable $true (fd61441)
2.1.1 (2022-02-26)
- Do not define a default value for BLOB/TEXT column 'output' (4a4f8f7)
- Do not define a hook for integrate_menu_buttons that leads to nowhere (4b310da)
2.1.0 (2022-02-25)
- Add support for SMF 2.1 (3a7f063)
2.0.3 (2021-10-20)
- Make info fields show correctly (cfdb62c)
2.0.2 (2021-10-18)
- Be sure to post the values from large text (7887555)
2.0.1 (2021-06-10)
- Send correct field names when submitting a form (0542987)
- Version check should replace placeholders (9a78c4c)
2.0.0 (2021-03-25)
- Require PHP 7.4
- Allow whitespace in template vars (18297e7)
- Check session when users submit forms (bf7139a)
- Show a list of errors if a form is submitted with invalid data (facb90a)
- Make select boxes validate if no value provided and default is set (05605a2)
- Populate field types when editing or adding fields (2d4e575)
- Translate old field names so they can actually be used (867076e)
- Require PHP 7.4 (4abc062)
- Finally uses integration functions instead of file edits (b76ed2f)
- End usage of the deprecated function
(a764537) - Solved PHP fatal error (Redefinition of parameter
(5a48748) - Textual database fields now default to null (183eb35)
- Updated: Due to conflicts with mod_security, the url syntax
has been changed to,index.php?action=form;n=#
Thanks to Galatea and Arantor for the fix. - Added: All posts created by a form are now attributed to a users post count. Unfortunately there is no way for a form not to be counted, however this one fix also fixes several other bugs. Thanks to ŦώεαЖзяŁ and FragaCampos.
- Bugfix: Posts created by the form should now properly display under the "Show Posts" and "Board Notifications" sections of SMF.
- Added: Selection and Radio boxes can now use the required option. When using the required option for a selection box, be sure to use "required" the first selection. Thanks to Tunga.
- Added: an option to hide sections of the "Form Output". If a form field is not required and the user decides not to enter anything in the related field. Example: {My name is {name}}. The hidden sections will be replaced with a blank line. Thanks to alfzer0
- Added: two new custom templates. "left" displays the input boxes on the left. "center" displays the description text above the input boxes, centered on the screen.
- Revised: the Custom Template "example" to include features from the last several updates, as well as highlighting the example text in red.
- Revised: the default template, the * for required fields now display on the right hand side of the input boxes rather then below them.
- Added: a standard thank you page that can be used as an optional "Submit Redirect" option.
- Updated: Documentation
- Removed: compatibility for SMF 2.0 versions prior to RC2
- Bugfix: users can now use $ in thier answers, thanks to Ingolme from W3 Schools
- Bugfix: check boxes that are required, now require properly, thanks to nathan42100
- Added: CAPTCHA visual verification code to be displayed on forms to help prevent against bots filling out the forms.
- Added: a Submit Redirect field added to the form settings which allows the admin to choose where a form will redirect after submitting.
- Added: the ability for the admin to choose the Message icon that displays in the forum post.
- Replaced: Board Id entries in the admin settings with a select box containing the actual boards on your forum.
- Added: New Form Type Info Box.
- Added: New Form Type Radio Box. Thanks to mang for supplying the code to make this possible.
- Updated: Documentation
- Some minor bugfixes.
- Added SMF 1.1.8 version.
- Added SMF 2.0 RC1 version.
- Some minor bugfixes.
- Garou added as an additional author.
- Added SMF 1.1.6 version.
- Added SMF 2.0 Beta 3 version.
- Added SMF 1.1.5 version.
- Added the new custom template stuff.
- Some minor bugfixes.
- Original Mod release.