For something in between Mailchimp and Mailgun, but free.
This is a simple API based on FastAPI, SQLModel and Celery
- Import contacts with as many metadata as you want and filter automatically the wrong emails
- Create marketing campaigns and filter contacts into segments
- Get access to your campaigns's open rates
- Send unique emails right now or at a specific date
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a .env file (or create env var) with the following variables:
# Your EMAIL + SMTP config
MAIL_PWD = "tinymailpassword"
SMTP_PORT = "465"
SMTP_SSL = "True"
CONF_TOKEN_SECRET_KEY # random string, useful for encryption of tokens inside mails
CONF_TOKEN_PASSWORD_SALT # random string, useful for encryption of tokens inside mails
BASE_URL = "https://myapi/" # this is the API base url
ENV_STATE # dev/staging/prod/...
Run the following commands to start:
- a redis instance
- a celery worker instance
- the main web app
celery -A app.worker worker -l info
uvicorn app.main:app
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "your message"
alembic upgrade head