Ansible modules being developed (R&D) that aren't yet ready for prime time use in Ansible Extra's modules or Core.
Local use in Ansible playbooks In your root ansible playbooks directory create a folder called 'library'. Place the module of choice directly in this library folder. Now these modules will be available to your ansible project.
Current modules: mysql_query Pre-requisites: You need the Python MySQL module installed on your OS.
This currently supports the following basic SQl queries: -SELECT -INSERT -UPDATE -DELETE
Used as follows
- mysql_query:
login_host: "localhost"
login_user: "some_user"
login_password: "password"
db: "my_db"
query: "select current_timestamp() as CurrentTime "
register: query_output
Returning and displaying information. Once you have the query working you can use "register" to return the output. SELECT queries The module returns the following values:
- result: returns results as a list
- rows_affected: returns number of rows
- allrows: returns field names (needs to be renamed)
Other queries The module returns the following values:
- result: This will typically be a 1 or 0 depending on number of rows affected.
Example in Ansible task to retrieve the result from a variable called 'query_output'
#Displays value of a field named 'CurrentTime' in first row
- debug: var=query_output.result[0].CurrentTime
# or set a variable
- set_fact: my_var={{query_output.result[0].CurrentTime}}
# let's say we had a select query that queried a user table and returned lot's of rows...
# This example outputs the value of email addresses for all rows to a text file for example
- shell: "echo '{{ item[0].email }}' >> /myusers.txt"
- query_output.result
- ['email']