A free quote downloader library and cli
Downloads daily historical price quotes from Tiingo and daily/intraday data from various api's. Written in pure Go. No external dependencies. Now downloads crypto coin historical data from various exchanges.
Update: 03/02/2025 - Removed obsolete Yahoo support
Update: 02/15/2024 - Major update: updated to Go 1.22, removed bittrex/binance support, fixed nasdaq/tiingo markets
Update: 11/15/2021 - Removed obsolete markets, converted to go modules
Update: 7/18/2021 - Removed obsolete Google support
Update: 6/26/2019 - updated GDAX to Coinbase, added coinbase market
Update: 4/26/2018 - Added preliminary tiingo CRYPTO support. Use -source=tiingo-crypto -token=<your_tingo_token> You can also set env variable TIINGO_API_TOKEN. To get symbol lists, use market: tiingo-btc, tiingo-eth or tiingo-usd
Update: 12/21/2017 - Added Amibroker format option (creates csv file with separate date and time). Use -format=ami
Update: 12/20/2017 - Added Binance exchange support. Use -source=binance
Update: 12/18/2017 - Added Bittrex exchange support. Use -source=bittrex
Update: 10/21/2017 - Added Coinbase GDAX exchange support. Use -source=gdax All times are in UTC. Automatically rate limited.
Update: 7/19/2017 - Added preliminary tiingo support. Use -source=tiingo -token=<your_tingo_token> You can also set env variable TIINGO_API_TOKEN
Update: 5/24/2017 - Now works with the new Yahoo download format. Beware - Yahoo data quality is now questionable and the free Yahoo quotes are likely to permanently go away in the near future. Use with caution!
Still very much in alpha mode. Expect bugs and API changes. Comments/suggestions/pull requests welcome!
Copyright 2024 Mark Chenoweth
Install CLI utility (quote) with:
go install github.com/markcheno/go-quote/quote@latest
quote -h | -help
quote -v | -version
quote <market> [-output=<outputFile>]
quote [-years=<years>|(-start=<datestr> [-end=<datestr>])] [options] [-infile=<filename>|<symbol> ...]
-h -help show help
-v -version show version
-years=<years> number of years to download [default=5]
-start=<datestr> yyyy[-[mm-[dd]]]
-end=<datestr> yyyy[-[mm-[dd]]] [default=today]
-infile=<filename> list of symbols to download
-outfile=<filename> output filename
-period=<period> 1m|3m|5m|15m|30m|1h|2h|4h|6h|8h|12h|d|3d|w|m [default=d]
-source=<source> tiingo|tiingo-crypto|coinbase [default=tiingo]
-token=<tiingo_tok> tingo api token [default=TIINGO_API_TOKEN]
-format=<format> (csv|json|hs|ami) [default=csv]
-all=<bool> all in one file (true|false) [default=false]
-log=<dest> filename|stdout|stderr|discard [default=stdout]
-delay=<ms> delay in milliseconds between quote requests
Note: not all periods work with all sources
Valid markets:
# display usage
quote -help
# downloads 5 years of Tiingo SPY history to spy.csv (TIINGO_API_TOKEN must be set)
quote spy
# downloads 1 year of bitcoin history to BTC-USD.csv
quote -years=1 -source=coinbase BTC-USD
# downloads 1 year of Tiingo SPY & AAPL history to quotes.csv (TIINGO_API_TOKEN must be set)
quote -years=1 -all=true -outfile=quotes.csv spy aapl
# downloads full etf symbol list to etf.txt, also works for nasdaq,nasdaq100,nyse,amex
quote etf
# download fresh etf list and 5 years of etf data all in one file
quote etf && quote -all=true -outfile=etf.csv -infile=etf.txt
Install the package with:
go get github.com/markcheno/go-quote@latest
package main
import (
func main() {
spy, _ := quote.NewQuoteFromTiingo("spy", "2016-01-01", "2016-04-01", quote.Daily, true)
rsi2 := talib.Rsi(spy.Close, 2)
MIT License - see LICENSE for more details