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GitHub Action

Beta Project Issue Adder + Labeler

0.91 Pre-release

Beta Project Issue Adder + Labeler


Beta Project Issue Adder + Labeler

When an issue is created on your repo, this action automatically labels it and adds it to a specified beta project


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Beta Project Issue Adder + Labeler

uses: somnolentPumpkin/issue-card-creator-and-labeler@0.91

Learn more about this action in somnolentPumpkin/issue-card-creator-and-labeler

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Issue Card Creator

This is a GitHub Action written in JavaScript. It allows you to automatically create a project card for an issue when it's created. It supports both repo-level projects and org-level projects.

The main.yml has an actions input, which allows you to customize which issue labels should map to which project/org/column. Here's an example that uses both repo-level and org-level projects:

  actions: '{"data": [
      "label": "test",
      "project": "Ultra Project",
      "project_type": "repo",
      "column": "To-Do",
      "repo": "super-repo"
      "label": "wontfix",
      "project": "Mega Project",
      "project_type": "org",
      "column": "Icebox",
      "org": "ultra-important-org"

Accessing Organization-level Projects

By default, the access token that GitHub generates for an action is limited to only the repo that the action is added to. Meaning, you can't get data for other repos; only the one the action is added to. However, it's possible to use a custom access token that allows you to access those other repos.

First, you need to create an Organization Secret called ACCESS_TOKEN, and set the value to the access token you want to use.

Once you've done that, you'll need to add github-token: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN }} to your main.yml. See below for examples.

Example main.yml (default permissions)

  types: [opened]

  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  name: Issue card handler
    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Issue Card Creator
      uses: somnolentPumpkin/issue-card-creator@1.24
      id: hello
        actions: '{"data": [
            "label": "test",
            "project": "Project 2",
            "project_type": "org",
            "column": "Column 2",
            "org": "qe-test-org"
            "label": "bug",
            "project": "Super Project",
            "project_type": "repo",
            "column": "Super Column",
            "repo": "Ultra-Repo"

Example main.yml (custom access token)

  types: [opened]

  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  name: Issue card handler
    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Issue Card Creator
      uses: somnolentPumpkin/issue-card-creator@1.24
      id: hello
        github-token: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN }}
        actions: '{"data": [
            "label": "test",
            "project": "Project 2",
            "project_type": "org",
            "column": "Column 2",
            "org": "qe-test-org"
            "label": "bug",
            "project": "Super Project",
            "project_type": "repo",
            "column": "Super Column",
            "repo": "Ultra-Repo"