This is a template to start a clean notebook without needing to modify the environment for the other notebooks.
These instructions are specific to the mas300labs-uofsa organization. (If you are not in that org, ignore the 'Owner' parts.)
Starting from the main page of this repo:
- click the green button Use this template
- choose Create a new repository
- choose Owner as mas300labs-uofsa
- contact me if you don't see mas300labs-uofsa in the drop-down menu
Starting from your new repo, modify the following:
Update the Binder button below:
- change 'new-notebook' with whatever you called the repo for your new notebook
- (if you are not in the org, change 'mas300labs-uofsa' to your username or org)
- remove the
code quotes
around the button
Click on the Binder button to open the Notebook:
Modify the environment to add any libraries you need. Currently, it only has:
- pandas
- numpy
- matplotlib
- wget
- pip
Then modify the Notebook.