- You can add this Discord bot into your channel and it will scrape the ozBargain website for the latest bargains and discounts.
- Many settings such the period between scraping and the post delay of a bargain can all be adjusted with the commands below.
- This project runs on Microsoft C# .Net Core 3 and can be built with Microsoft Visual studio 2019.
- To obtain the required packages, simply use the restore Nuget packages tool in Visual Studio.
- A configuration file with the relative path "Resources/config.json" to the executable must be created.
- An example of the config.json contents:
"token": "Your discord bot token here",
"commandPrefix": "$",
"bargainChannelID": "Channel ID that the bot will post to",
"scrapeDelay": 300,
"postDelay": 30,
"maxDepth": 5,
"logFile": "D:\\Projects\\Logs\\DiscordScraperBot",
- Only the token, commandPrefix and bargainChannelID are required.
- The Discord bot's token can be found by following this.
- To find the channel id, follow this link.
# Bot management commands:
help Displays the available commands.
info Shows some statistics about this discord bot.
show_scrape_delay Displays how often web scraping will occur (seconds).
set_scrape_delay <scrape_rate> Sets how often the scrapers will run (seconds).
show_depth Displays how many links each bot will follow to scrape.
set_depth <bot index> <depth> Changes how many links the scraper will follow.
show_post_delay Displays how often bargains will be posted to the discord channel (seconds).
set_post_delay <post delay> Sets how often bargains will be posted to the discord channel (seconds).
# Filtering commands:
add_filter <keyword> Adds a keyword to filter (this filter is applied to the name of the item as well as any categories it belongs to e.g electronics)
remove_filter <keyword> Removes a keyword from the filter.
show_filters Displays all the keywords as well as their prices that are being used as filters.
# Filtering commands based on price:
add_filter_price <keyword> <min price> <max price> Adds a keyword and a price to filter for.
remove_filter_price <keyword> <min price> <max price> Removes a keyword and its price from filtering.
update_filter_price <keyword> <min price> <max price> Updates an existing filter keyword with a new price.
- The filters can be applied while the bot is running and will be saved, so when the bot restarts the previous filters still apply.
- The following commands must be prefixed with the commandPrefix.
e.g $help
- Feel free to fork this repo and create many pull requests for any additional scrapers, bug fixes or new test cases.