API request bodies and responses are usually JSON-encoded, except for binary data and some of the OAuth2 endpoints. Note that the Content-Type
header must be set to application/json
for this, as the request may otherwise fail with error 400.
When clients have a valid access token, e.g. obtained through the POST /api/v1/session
or POST /api/v1/oauth/token
endpoint, they can use a standard Bearer Authorization header to authenticate their requests. Submitting the access token with a custom X-Auth-Token
header is supported as well.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: v1
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Generator version: 7.9.0-SNAPSHOT
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 3.7+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git
Then import the package:
import photoprism_client
Install via Setuptools.
python setup.py install --user
(or sudo python setup.py install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import photoprism_client
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import photoprism_client
from photoprism_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://demo.photoprism.app
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = photoprism_client.Configuration(
host = "http://demo.photoprism.app"
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with photoprism_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = photoprism_client.AlbumsApi(api_client)
uid = 'uid_example' # str | Album UID
photos = photoprism_client.FormSelection() # FormSelection | Photo Selection
# adds photos to an album
api_response = api_instance.add_photos_to_album(uid, photos)
print("The response of AlbumsApi->add_photos_to_album:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AlbumsApi->add_photos_to_album: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to http://demo.photoprism.app
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AlbumsApi | add_photos_to_album | POST /api/v1/albums/{uid}/photos | adds photos to an album |
AlbumsApi | album_cover | GET /api/v1/albums/{uid}/t/{token}/{size} | returns an album cover image |
AlbumsApi | batch_albums_delete | POST /api/v1/batch/albums/delete | permanently removes multiple albums |
AlbumsApi | clone_albums | POST /api/v1/albums/{uid}/clone | creates a new album containing pictures from other albums |
AlbumsApi | create_album | POST /api/v1/albums | creates a new album |
AlbumsApi | create_album_link | POST /api/v1/albums/{uid}/links | adds a new album share link and return it as JSON |
AlbumsApi | delete_album | DELETE /api/v1/albums/{uid} | deletes an existing album |
AlbumsApi | delete_album_link | DELETE /api/v1/albums/{uid}/links/{linkuid} | deletes an album share link |
AlbumsApi | dislike_album | DELETE /api/v1/albums/{uid}/like | removes the favorite flag from an album |
AlbumsApi | download_album | GET /api/v1/albums/{uid}/dl | streams the album contents as zip archiv |
AlbumsApi | get_album | GET /api/v1/albums/{uid} | returns album details as JSON |
AlbumsApi | get_album_links | GET /api/v1/albums/{uid}/links | returns all share links for the given UID as JSON |
AlbumsApi | get_moments_time | GET /api/v1/moments/time | returns monthly albums as JSON |
AlbumsApi | like_album | POST /api/v1/albums/{uid}/like | sets the favorite flag for an album |
AlbumsApi | remove_photos_from_album | DELETE /api/v1/albums/{uid}/photos | removes photos from an album |
AlbumsApi | search_albums | GET /api/v1/albums | finds albums and returns them as JSON |
AlbumsApi | update_album | PUT /api/v1/albums/{uid} | updates album metadata like title and description |
AlbumsApi | update_album_link | PUT /api/v1/albums/{uid}/links/{linkuid} | updates an album share link and return it as JSON |
AuthenticationApi | api_v1_oauth_revoke_post | POST /api/v1/oauth/revoke | |
AuthenticationApi | api_v1_oauth_token_post | POST /api/v1/oauth/token | |
AuthenticationApi | api_v1_session_post | POST /api/v1/session | |
AuthenticationApi | api_v1_sessions_post | POST /api/v1/sessions | |
AuthenticationApi | api_v1_users_uid_password_put | PUT /api/v1/users/{uid}/password | |
AuthenticationApi | api_v1_users_uid_sessions_get | GET /api/v1/users/{uid}/sessions | |
ConfigApi | get_client_config | GET /api/v1/config | returns the client configuration values as JSON |
ConfigApi | get_config_options | GET /api/v1/config/options | returns backend config options |
ConfigApi | save_config_options | POST /api/v1/config/options | updates backend config options |
DownloadApi | zip_create | POST /api/v1/zip | creates a zip file archive for download |
DownloadApi | zip_download | GET /api/v1/zip/{filename} | downloads a zip file archive |
ErrorsApi | delete_errors | DELETE /api/v1/errors | removes all entries from the error logs |
ErrorsApi | get_errors | GET /api/v1/errors | searches the error logs and returns the results as JSON |
FacesApi | get_face | GET /api/v1/faces/{id} | returns a face as JSON |
FacesApi | search_faces | GET /api/v1/faces | finds and returns faces as JSON |
FacesApi | update_face | PUT /api/v1/faces/{id} | updates face properties |
FilesApi | api_v1_markers_post | POST /api/v1/markers | |
FilesApi | change_file_orientation | PUT /api/v1/photos/{uid}/files/{fileuid}/orientation | changes the orientation of a file |
FilesApi | delete_file | DELETE /api/v1/photos/{uid}/files/{fileuid} | removes a file from storage |
FilesApi | get_download | GET /api/v1/dl/{hash} | returns the raw file data |
FilesApi | get_file | GET /api/v1/files/{hash} | returns file details as JSON |
FilesApi | get_photo_download | GET /api/v1/photos/{uid}/dl | returns the primary file matching that belongs to the photo |
FilesApi | get_thumb | GET /api/v1/t/{thumb}/{token}/{size} | returns a thumbnail image with the requested size |
FilesApi | get_video | GET /api/v1/videos/{hash}/{token}/{format} | returns a video, optionally limited to a byte range for streaming |
FilesApi | users_uid_upload_token_post | POST /users/{uid}/upload/{token} | |
FilesApi | zip_create | POST /api/v1/zip | creates a zip file archive for download |
FilesApi | zip_download | GET /api/v1/zip/{filename} | downloads a zip file archive |
FoldersApi | folder_cover | GET /api/v1/folders/t/{uid}/{token}/{size} | returns a folder cover image |
ImagesApi | album_cover | GET /api/v1/albums/{uid}/t/{token}/{size} | returns an album cover image |
ImagesApi | download_album | GET /api/v1/albums/{uid}/dl | streams the album contents as zip archiv |
ImagesApi | folder_cover | GET /api/v1/folders/t/{uid}/{token}/{size} | returns a folder cover image |
ImagesApi | get_download | GET /api/v1/dl/{hash} | returns the raw file data |
ImagesApi | get_photo_download | GET /api/v1/photos/{uid}/dl | returns the primary file matching that belongs to the photo |
ImagesApi | get_thumb | GET /api/v1/t/{thumb}/{token}/{size} | returns a thumbnail image with the requested size |
ImagesApi | label_cover | GET /api/v1/labels/{uid}/t/{token}/{size} | returns a label cover image |
LabelsApi | add_photo_label | POST /api/v1/photos/{uid}/label | adds a label to a photo |
LabelsApi | batch_labels_delete | POST /api/v1/batch/labels/delete | deletes multiple labels |
LabelsApi | dislike_label | DELETE /api/v1/labels/{uid}/like | removes favorite flag from a label |
LabelsApi | label_cover | GET /api/v1/labels/{uid}/t/{token}/{size} | returns a label cover image |
LabelsApi | like_label | POST /api/v1/labels/{uid}/like | sets favorite flag for a label |
LabelsApi | remove_photo_label | DELETE /api/v1/photos/{uid}/label/{id} | removes a label from a photo |
LabelsApi | search_labels | GET /api/v1/labels | finds and returns labels as JSON |
LabelsApi | update_label | PUT /api/v1/labels/{uid} | updates label name |
LabelsApi | update_photo_label | PUT /api/v1/photos/{uid}/label/{id} | changes a photo label |
LibraryApi | api_v1_import_path_post | POST /api/v1/import/{path} | |
LibraryApi | api_v1_index_post | POST /api/v1/index | |
LinksApi | api_v1_entity_uid_links_post | POST /api/v1/{entity}/{uid}/links | |
LinksApi | create_album_link | POST /api/v1/albums/{uid}/links | adds a new album share link and return it as JSON |
LinksApi | delete_album_link | DELETE /api/v1/albums/{uid}/links/{linkuid} | deletes an album share link |
LinksApi | get_album_links | GET /api/v1/albums/{uid}/links | returns all share links for the given UID as JSON |
LinksApi | update_album_link | PUT /api/v1/albums/{uid}/links/{linkuid} | updates an album share link and return it as JSON |
MarkersApi | clear_marker_subject | DELETE /api/v1/markers/{uid}/subject | removes an existing marker subject association |
MarkersApi | update_marker | PUT /api/v1/markers/{uid} | updates an existing file area marker to assign faces or other subjects |
PhotosApi | add_photo_label | POST /api/v1/photos/{uid}/label | adds a label to a photo |
PhotosApi | approve_photo | POST /api/v1/photos/{uid}/approve | marks a photo in review as approved |
PhotosApi | batch_photos_approve | POST /api/v1/batch/photos/approve | approves multiple photos that are currently under review |
PhotosApi | batch_photos_archive | POST /api/v1/batch/photos/archive | moves multiple photos to the archive |
PhotosApi | batch_photos_delete | POST /api/v1/batch/photos/delete | permanently removes multiple or all photos from the archive |
PhotosApi | batch_photos_private | POST /api/v1/batch/photos/private | toggles private state of multiple photos |
PhotosApi | batch_photos_restore | POST /api/v1/batch/photos/restore | restores multiple photos from the archive |
PhotosApi | dislike_photo | DELETE /api/v1/photos/{uid}/like | removes the favorite flags from a photo |
PhotosApi | get_photo | GET /api/v1/photos/{uid} | returns picture details as JSON |
PhotosApi | get_photo_yaml | GET /api/v1/photos/{uid}/yaml | returns picture details as YAML |
PhotosApi | like_photo | POST /api/v1/photos/{uid}/like | flags a photo as favorite |
PhotosApi | photo_primary | POST /api/v1/photos/{uid}/files/{fileuid}/primary | sets the primary file for a photo |
PhotosApi | photo_unstack | POST /api/v1/photos/{uid}/files/{fileuid}/unstack | removes a file from an existing photo stack |
PhotosApi | remove_photo_label | DELETE /api/v1/photos/{uid}/label/{id} | removes a label from a photo |
PhotosApi | search_geo | GET /api/v1/geo | finds photos and returns results as JSON, so they can be displayed on a map or in a viewer |
PhotosApi | search_photos | GET /api/v1/photos | finds pictures and returns them as JSON |
PhotosApi | update_photo | PUT /api/v1/photos/{uid} | updates picture details and returns them as JSON |
PhotosApi | update_photo_label | PUT /api/v1/photos/{uid}/label/{id} | changes a photo label |
ServerApi | get_status | GET /api/v1/status | reports if the server is operational |
ServicesApi | add_service | POST /api/v1/services | creates a new remote account configuration |
ServicesApi | delete_service | DELETE /api/v1/services/{id} | removes a remote account configuration |
ServicesApi | get_service | GET /api/v1/services/{id} | returns an account as JSON |
ServicesApi | get_service_folders | GET /api/v1/services/{id}/folders | returns folders that belong to an account as JSON |
ServicesApi | search_services | GET /api/v1/services | finds account settings and returns them as JSON |
ServicesApi | update_service | PUT /api/v1/services/{id} | updates a remote account configuration |
SettingsApi | get_config_options | GET /api/v1/config/options | returns backend config options |
SettingsApi | get_settings | GET /api/v1/settings | returns the user app settings as JSON |
SettingsApi | save_config_options | POST /api/v1/config/options | updates backend config options |
SettingsApi | save_settings | POST /api/v1/settings | saves the user app settings |
StacksApi | photo_primary | POST /api/v1/photos/{uid}/files/{fileuid}/primary | sets the primary file for a photo |
StacksApi | photo_unstack | POST /api/v1/photos/{uid}/files/{fileuid}/unstack | removes a file from an existing photo stack |
SubjectsApi | clear_marker_subject | DELETE /api/v1/markers/{uid}/subject | removes an existing marker subject association |
SubjectsApi | dislike_subject | DELETE /api/v1/subjects/{uid}/like | removes the favorite flag from a subject |
SubjectsApi | get_subject | GET /api/v1/subjects/{uid} | returns a subject as JSON |
SubjectsApi | like_subject | POST /api/v1/subjects/{uid}/like | flags a subject as favorite |
SubjectsApi | search_subjects | GET /api/v1/subjects | finds and returns subjects as JSON |
SubjectsApi | update_marker | PUT /api/v1/markers/{uid} | updates an existing file area marker to assign faces or other subjects |
SubjectsApi | update_subject | PUT /api/v1/subjects/{uid} | updates subject properties |
UsersApi | api_v1_users_uid_avatar_post | POST /api/v1/users/{uid}/avatar | |
UsersApi | api_v1_users_uid_passcode_activate_post | POST /api/v1/users/{uid}/passcode/activate | |
UsersApi | api_v1_users_uid_passcode_confirm_post | POST /api/v1/users/{uid}/passcode/confirm | |
UsersApi | api_v1_users_uid_passcode_deactivate_post | POST /api/v1/users/{uid}/passcode/deactivate | |
UsersApi | api_v1_users_uid_passcode_post | POST /api/v1/users/{uid}/passcode | |
UsersApi | api_v1_users_uid_password_put | PUT /api/v1/users/{uid}/password | |
UsersApi | api_v1_users_uid_put | PUT /api/v1/users/{uid} | |
UsersApi | api_v1_users_uid_sessions_get | GET /api/v1/users/{uid}/sessions | |
UsersApi | users_uid_upload_token_post | POST /users/{uid}/upload/{token} | |
VideosApi | get_video | GET /api/v1/videos/{hash}/{token}/{format} | returns a video, optionally limited to a byte range for streaming |
- ConfigCategoryLabel
- ConfigClientConfig
- ConfigClientCounts
- ConfigClientDisable
- ConfigClientPosition
- ConfigOptions
- ConfigThumbSize
- CustomizeDownloadName
- CustomizeDownloadSettings
- CustomizeFeatureSettings
- CustomizeImportSettings
- CustomizeIndexSettings
- CustomizeMapsSettings
- CustomizeSearchSettings
- CustomizeSettings
- CustomizeShareSettings
- CustomizeStackSettings
- CustomizeTemplateSettings
- CustomizeUISettings
- EntityAlbum
- EntityCamera
- EntityCell
- EntityCountry
- EntityDetails
- EntityError
- EntityFace
- EntityFile
- EntityLabel
- EntityLens
- EntityLink
- EntityMarker
- EntityPerson
- EntityPhoto
- EntityPhotoLabel
- EntityPlace
- EntityService
- EntitySubject
- EnvResources
- EnvResourcesMemory
- FormAlbum
- FormDetails
- FormFace
- FormFile
- FormLabel
- FormLink
- FormMarker
- FormPhoto
- FormSelection
- FormService
- FormSubject
- I18nResponse
- SearchAlbum
- SearchFace
- SearchGeoResult
- SearchLabel
- SearchPhoto
- SearchSubject
- SqlNullTime
- TimeDuration
Endpoints do not require authorization.