The Objective of our project is to create a personal voice assistant using python.This Assistant currently works online and performs basic tasks like Stream Music,Search Wikipedia,Open System installed Applications etc..The functionality of the current system is limited to working online only. The Voice Assistant will gather the audio from the microphone and then convert that into text. Later, it is sent through GTTS(Google Text To Speech).GTTS Engine will convert text into audio file in english Language, then that audio is played using playsound packages of python programming Languages.
In this Project, we have discussed a Voice Personal Assistant developed using python. This assistant currently works online and performs basic tasks like takes the complaint, takes the attendance, opens the youtube, stream music, search wikipedia, open desktop applications,care taker information, library information, provides the timings of classes etc. Through this voice assistant, we have automated various services using a voice input. It is designed for give responses to the user on the basis of query being asked or the words spoken by the user such as opening tasks and operations.
The functionality of the current system is limited to working online only. The upcoming updates of this assistant will have machine learning incorporated in the system which will result in better suggestions with IOT[x] to control the nearby devices similar to what Amazon’s Alexa does. This Intelligent Voice Assistant has an enormous and limitless scope inthe future. Like Siri, Google Now and Cortana most popular personal voice assistants.
The project will easily able to integrate with devices near future for a Connected Home using Internet of Things, voice command system and computer vision. The concept of voice recognition can be applied in different industries as in many situations it will be more convenient, and save a lot of time and helpful especially for those who have difficulty in working with manual operations. The primary objective of the program is to provide services using the voice, and it enables more people who can enjoy this program.