$ go install github.com/micheam/go-deeplapi/cmd/translate@latest
$ export DEEPL_API_DOMEIN="api-free.deepl.com" # for free plan
$ translate こんにちわ、世界
Hello, World
Please run -help
for detailed usage.
$ translate -help
Usage of translate:
translate [flags] [text]
--api-domain string
Domain for DeepL API. (Default) Environment variable: 'DEEPL_API_DOMAIN'
Use 'api.deepl.com' if not set.
--auth-key string
Authentication Key for DeepL API. (Default) Environment variable: 'DEEPL_AUTH_KEY'
Display a list of LANG_CODE that can be specified.
--source string
LANG_CODE of the text to be translated. If it is omitted, it will be determined automatically.
--target string
LANG_CODE of the text to be translated. (default 'EN')
$ translate --soruce ja --taget en 'あんなこといいな。できたらいいな'
$ echo 'あんなこといいな。できたらいいな' | translate # source lang will auto-detected
$ go get github.com/micheam/go-deeplapi/v2
package main
import (
func main() {
const authKey = "YOUR-DEEPL-AUTH-KEY"
client := deeplapi.New(authKey)
service := deeplapi.NewTextTranslatingService(client)
var (
text = "こんにちわ、世界"
source = deeplapi.LangJapanese
target = deeplapi.LangEnglish
res, _ := service.TraslateSingleText(context.Background(), text, source, target)
// Output: Hello, World
- go 1.19 or higher
$ go install github.com/micheam/go-deeplapi/cmd/translate