AllegroTime port for the web.
rake build
rake server # runs middleman
rake cordova
rake ios
rake android # runs android device or similator
rake device # runs ios device
bower install -S rackt/react-router
cd bower_components/react-router
npm install
npm run build-min
npm run build-umd
# link bower_components/react-router/umd/ReactRouter.js
bower install -S reactjs/history
cd bower_components/history
npm install
npm run build-umd
npm run build-min
cordova create allegrotime
cordova prepare
cordova platform add ios
cordova platform add android
cordova build ios
cordova run ios
cordova emulate ios --target='iPhone-6-Plus, 9.1'
bundle update bower update --save npm update -g (cordova itself) cordova platform update cordova plugin update
gem install snapshot frameit deliver
cd cordova/platforms/ios
snapshot init
cp other/snapshot.js cordova/platforms/ios
cp other/snapshot.js cordova/platforms/ios/snapshot-iPad.js
cp other/Snapfile cordova/platforms/ios
uncomment the stuff in the app.js
cd cordova/platforms/ios/screenshots
frameit silver
After adding the iOS platform. Edit
replace `BackupWebStorage` to `none` in platforms/ios/cordova/default.xml
After adding cordova-plugin-geolocation plugin. Edit
set NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription to "Требуется для определения ближайшего ж/д переезда."
Rendering the Schedule graph (Mac/iPad mini 2/ASUS Zenfone 2)
- using Handlebars: 1.6 / 8.0 / 15
- using jQuery: 6 / 15 / 30
Rendering the Status screen
- using Handlebars: 1 / 2 / 6
- using jQuery: 2 / 3 / 7
Rendering the crossings list
- using Handlebars: 2.5 / 6 / 11 (re-render everything)
- using jQuery: 0.05 / 0.5 / 0.5 (just update the colors)
- using jQuery: 7.5 / 40 / 65 (initialization)
React is 2-4 times slower than Handlebars
- time
- closest crossing (location) ?
- selected crosing ?
- current tab
- navigation path
- current page
- current crossing: selected | closest
- current tab: current page
- Edit ScheduleTable.numbers
- Export the spreadsheet to CSV
- Copy Sheet 2-schedule.csv to assets/data dir
- Rename the file to include the timestamp
- Update filename and timestamp in data.rake
- Update train numbers / off days in data.rake
- Run
rake data:import
— the files in assets/data/schedule_.json* are updated now - Run
rake data:copy_to_site
— the files in ../site/source/data are updated now - Publish the site
firebase deploy
- Check
- Check
# platforms/android/cordova/lib/list-started-emulators
# adb install -rs platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-debug.apk