This is the repo for the paper Robust Visual Teach and Repeat for UGVs Using 3D Semantic Maps. It includes a robotic package for a semantic mapping based algorithm for visual teach and repeat
In order to use this package you need to have ORB-SLAM installed with some changes. So first:
- Clone and install
I have used ZED2 camera and you can use this file:
- You need a YOLOv3 model to detect objects in the environment. We have provided a trained model file you can use. It has been trained on 24 most common objects in the environment. Those objects are: person,bench,backpack,umbrella,handbag,suitcase,bottle,cup,bowl,banana,apple,chair,couch,bed,tv,laptop,mouse,remote,keyboard,microwave,oven,toaster,sink,clock Download the file. You will move the file to darknet-ros package later. If you want to use your own Yolo model you need to modify "semantic_mapping/" code. In gotdata function there are three variables named big_objs,medium_objs and small_objs. They specify general size of each class of objects detected by Yolo. For example Sofa is a big objects and banana is a small one. So based on your model and class numbers change the code.
- You need to use darknet_ros package to publish detected objects by Yolo model to ROS. For this purpose you can use following link. Clone it in your catkin_ws/src:
Then move the downloaded model file to darknet_ros/darknet_ros/yolo_network_config/weights folder.
- In your catkin_ws/src open a terminal and: git clone
- cd ../
- catkin_make
- roslaunch darknet_ros yolo_v3.launch
- Then run ORB-SLAM using:
rosrun ORB_SLAM3 Mono Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt "your camera yaml file"
- roslaunch semantic_visual_teach_repeat create_map.launch Then you need to move the camera which will be your teach path and the (Visual Teach and Repeat)VTR algorithm will generate a semantic map of the environment for you as teach map.
Robot Path:
Generated Semantic Map:
- In order to repeat the same motion, first you need to change the name of the generated map and path file from: 'projection.csv' to 'C1.csv' and 'obj_map.csv' to 'M1.csv'
- At repeat time you need to do step 1 to 3 first. Then after some motion, when you have at least two objects in your semantic map:
cd semantic_visual_teach_repeat/Repeat
Then robot will be relocalized to a new location.
'python3' or 'python3' can move the turtlebot2 robot toward the teach path and repeat in forward/backward direction.
You can find a video from the our visual teach and repeat algorithm performance here:
This package is released under BSD-3-Clause License.