Laravel 5.6 example with multi-table Authentication. Built with Test-driven Development.
This application can be installed on local server and online server with these specifications :
- PHP >= 7.1.3 (and meet Laravel 5.6 server requirements),
- MySQL or MariaDB database,
- SQlite (for automated testing).
# Clone the repo
$ git clone
# cd into project directory
$ cd laravel-multi-table-auth
# Install dependecies
$ composer install # or composer update
# Set create env file
$ cp .env.example .env
$ php artisan key:generate
- Create new MySQL database for this application
- Set database credentials on
# Migrate the database structire
$ php artisan migrate
# Start web server
$ php artisan serve
- Register as new User and new Customer, then login as separated authentication guard.
This project is free and open-source under MIT License.