The http-status-code command uses the HTTP status code as a search keyword and print the meaning of that code and the RFC.
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$ go install
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$ http-status-code search 501
501 Not Implemented (ref.=RFC9110, Section 15.6.2)
$ http-status-code search 401 201 303
401 Unauthorized (ref.=RFC9110, Section 15.5.2)
201 Created (ref.=RFC9110, Section 15.3.2)
303 See Other (ref.=RFC9110, Section 15.4.4)
$ http-status-code list
| 100 | Continue | RFC9110, Section 15.2.1 |
| 101 | Switching Protocols | RFC9110, Section 15.2.2 |
| 102 | Processing | RFC2518 |
| 103 | Early Hints | RFC8297 |
| 200 | OK | RFC9110, Section 15.3.1 |
| 201 | Created | RFC9110, Section 15.3.2 |
| 202 | Accepted | RFC9110, Section 15.3.3 |
| 203 | Non-Authoritative Information | RFC9110, Section 15.3.4 |
| 204 | No Content | RFC9110, Section 15.3.5 |
| 205 | Reset Content | RFC9110, Section 15.3.6 |
| 206 | Partial Content | RFC9110, Section 15.3.7 |
| 207 | Multi-Status | RFC4918 |
| 208 | Already Reported | RFC5842 |
| 226 | IM Used | RFC3229 |
| 300 | Multiple Choices | RFC9110, Section 15.4.1 |
| 301 | Moved Permanently | RFC9110, Section 15.4.2 |
| 302 | Found | RFC9110, Section 15.4.3 |
| 303 | See Other | RFC9110, Section 15.4.4 |
| 304 | Not Modified | RFC9110, Section 15.4.5 |
| 305 | Use Proxy | RFC9110, Section 15.4.6 |
| 306 | (Unused) | RFC9110, Section 15.4.7 |
| 307 | Temporary Redirect | RFC9110, Section 15.4.8 |
| 308 | Permanent Redirect | RFC9110, Section 15.4.9 |
| 400 | Bad Request | RFC9110, Section 15.5.1 |
| 401 | Unauthorized | RFC9110, Section 15.5.2 |
| 402 | Payment Required | RFC9110, Section 15.5.3 |
| 403 | Forbidden | RFC9110, Section 15.5.4 |
| 404 | Not Found | RFC9110, Section 15.5.5 |
| 405 | Method Not Allowed | RFC9110, Section 15.5.6 |
| 406 | Not Acceptable | RFC9110, Section 15.5.7 |
| 407 | Proxy Authentication Required | RFC9110, Section 15.5.8 |
| 408 | Request Timeout | RFC9110, Section 15.5.9 |
| 409 | Conflict | RFC9110, Section 15.5.10 |
| 410 | Gone | RFC9110, Section 15.5.11 |
| 411 | Length Required | RFC9110, Section 15.5.12 |
| 412 | Precondition Failed | RFC9110, Section 15.5.13 |
| 413 | Content Too Large | RFC9110, Section 15.5.14 |
| 414 | URI Too Long | RFC9110, Section 15.5.15 |
| 415 | Unsupported Media Type | RFC9110, Section 15.5.16 |
| 416 | Range Not Satisfiable | RFC9110, Section 15.5.17 |
| 417 | Expectation Failed | RFC9110, Section 15.5.18 |
| 418 | (Unused) | RFC9110, Section 15.5.19 |
| 421 | Misdirected Request | RFC9110, Section 15.5.20 |
| 422 | Unprocessable Content | RFC9110, Section 15.5.21 |
| 423 | Locked | RFC4918 |
| 424 | Failed Dependency | RFC4918 |
| 425 | Too Early | RFC8470 |
| 426 | Upgrade Required | RFC9110, Section 15.5.22 |
| 427 | Unassigned | Unassigned |
| 428 | Precondition Required | RFC6585 |
| 429 | Too Many Requests | RFC6585 |
| 430 | Unassigned | Unassigned |
| 431 | Request Header Fields Too Large | RFC6585 |
| 451 | Unavailable For Legal Reasons | RFC7725 |
| 500 | Internal Server Error | RFC9110, Section 15.6.1 |
| 501 | Not Implemented | RFC9110, Section 15.6.2 |
| 502 | Bad Gateway | RFC9110, Section 15.6.3 |
| 503 | Service Unavailable | RFC9110, Section 15.6.4 |
| 504 | Gateway Timeout | RFC9110, Section 15.6.5 |
| 505 | HTTP Version Not Supported | RFC9110, Section 15.6.6 |
| 506 | Variant Also Negotiates | RFC2295 |
| 507 | Insufficient Storage | RFC4918 |
| 508 | Loop Detected | RFC5842 |
| 509 | Unassigned | Unassigned |
| 510 | Not Extended (OBSOLETED) | RFC2774 |
| 511 | Network Authentication Required | RFC6585 |
package main
import (
func main() {
h := http.New()
h = h.Search("404")
fmt.Printf("http status code=%s, description=%s, rfc=%s\n", h.Code, h.Description, h.RFC)
// Output:
// http status code=404, description=Not Found, rfc=RFC9110, Section 15.5.5
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