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Tags: netkra/python3-krakenex




This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
veox Noel Maersk
[v2.1.0] - 2018-04-20 (Fryday)


* A ``timeout`` argument for ``API.query_public()`` or
  ``API.query_private()``, to set a time-out period for
    that particular query. (`veox#67`_)
    * ``krakenex.API.json_options()`` to set options to the JSON
      de-serialiser, to be used on query responses. (`veox#87`_)
      * An ``examples/`` example to demonstrate
        the above. (`veox#88`_)

.. _#67: veox#67
.. _#87: veox#87
.. _#88: veox#88

* Updated examples using ``pandas`` to post-v0.17.0 sorting. (`veox#29`_)

.. _#29: veox#29



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
veox Noel Maersk
[v2.0.0] - 2017-11-14 (Tuesday)


For a detailed list of changes, refer to the same-number releases below.

Migration instructions
* Everything network-related now handled by ``requests``. See its
  `docs`_ if needed. (`veox#11`_)
* ``krakenex.API`` class no longer has a ``conn`` attribute for
  connection manipulation. It has been replaced by a ``session``
  attribute, which is a ``requests.Session``. For custom networking
  setups, directly modify ``session`` attribute of a ``krakenex.API``
* ``krakenex.API`` constructor no longer accepts ``conn`` argument
  as a means of re-using an existing ``krakenex.Connection`` object.
  Instead, modify ``krakenex.API.session`` if needed, same as above.

.. _docs:
.. _#11: veox#11

Known issues
* The remote servers are unstable under high load, which is most of
  the time. No recovery mechanism is provided for failed queries. (`veox#66`_)

Most importantly, queries that may seem to have failed due to a ``502``
HTTP error may in fact reach the trade execution engine, with an
unpredictable delay. See `PSA`_ for an example.

After encountering a ``502``, a subsequent call to
``krakenex.API.query_private()`` will construct a new query, with an
increased ``nonce``. When used with an ``AddOrder`` query, this may
have disastrous effects, placing a duplicate order.

To work around this, instead reuse the ``krakenex.API.response.request``
object, which is a ``requests.PreparedRequest``, saved as part of
``requests``' operation when submitting the first query. This request
can be re-sent using ``krakenex.API.session.send()``.

.. _#66: veox#66
.. _PSA:



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
veox Noel Maersk
[v2.0.0c2] - 2017-10-20 (Friday)


**Release candidate.** Not recommended for production use.

For a detailed list of changes, refer to the same-number releases below.

Migration instructions
* **Everything network-related now handled by `requests`_.** (`veox#11`_)
* ``krakenex.API`` class no longer has a ``conn`` attribute for
  connection manipulation. It has been replaced by a ``session``
  attribute, which is a ``requests.Session``. For custom networking
  setups, directly modify ``session`` attribute of a ``krakenex.API``
* ``krakenex.API`` constructor no longer accepts ``conn`` argument
  as a means of re-using an existing ``krakenex.Connection`` object.
  As above, modify ``krakenex.API.session`` if needed.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
veox Noel Maersk
[v2.0.0a1] - 2017-09-21 (Thursday)


**Internal alpha testing release!**

Not for general use. For that reason, ``pip`` package not provided.

Changed (breaking!)
* **Everything network-related now handled by `requests`_.** (`veox#11`_)
* ``krakenex.API`` class no longer has a ``conn`` atrribute for
  connection manipulation. It has been replaced by a ``session``
  attribute, which is a ``requests.Session``.
* ``krakenex.API`` constructor no longer accepts ``conn`` argument
  as a means of re-using an existing ``krakenex.Connection`` object.

* ``krakenex.Connection`` class.
* ``krakenex.API.set_connection()`` method (deprecated in ``v1.0.0``).

.. _requests:
.. _#11: veox#11



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
veox Noel Maersk
[v1.0.0] - 2017-09-18 (Monday)


For a detailed list of changes, refer to the same-number releases below.

Changed (breaking!)
* If you were previously calling ``API.query_private()`` or
  ``API.query_public()`` in a ``try/except`` block, be aware that
  these two may now throw ``http.client.HTTPException``, if the
  underlying ``Connection`` returns a non-`20x` status code. (`veox#17`_)

* ``krakenex.API.set_connection()`` method. Access ``krakenex.API.conn``
  attribute directly.

Known bugs
* There is no straightforward way to reset the ``krakenex.API`` object's
  connection ``krakenex.API.conn``. (`#53_`)

The recommended workaround for now, assuming ``k = krakenex.API()``:

.. code-block:: sh

   k.conn = None

If a connection is not closed prior to the reference being removed, the
connection will continue to linger, preventing removal of the object by
the garbage collector.

.. _#17: veox#17
.. _#53: veox#53



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
veox Noel Maersk
[v1.0.0c1] - 2017-09-11 (Monday)


**Release candidate.**


* Minimal Travis CI integration_. (`veox#45`_)

.. _integration:
.. _#45: veox#45



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
veox Noel Maersk
[v1.0.0a1] - 2017-08-04 (Friday)


**Internal alpha testing release!**

Not for general use. For that reason, ``pip`` package not provided.

* Cleaned up examples.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
veox Noel Maersk
[v1.0.0a0] - 2017-07-02 (Sunday)


**Internal alpha testing release!**

Not for general use. For that reason, ``pip`` package not provided.

* More examples.

* Connection now raises ``http.client.HTTPException`` if response
  doesn't have ``20x`` status code. (`veox#17`_)
* Fix new connection thrashing if one is not provided for reuse
  (as was described in the docs). (`veox#27`_)
* Be explicit when using default arguments in functions that have
  optional ones. (`veox#19`_)
* Renamed ``NEWS`` to ``CHANGELOG``.

* ``krakenex.API.set_connection()`` method. Access ``krakenex.API.conn``
  attribute directly.

.. _#17: veox#17
.. _#19: veox#19
.. _#27: veox#27



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
veox Noel Maersk
0.1.4 - Mon Mar 27 2017



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
veox Noel Maersk
v0.1.3 Tue Jan 31 2017