Pi-Home is a semiannual project in the discipline of Computer Engineering Projects II, developed with JavaScript.
PI-Home is an IoT product, it disposes an web interface that allow to control the ligthning of your own house.
The web interface comunicate with an Raspberry PI 4, through an real time database of Google (Firebase/Firestore), that will allow us to send the control to Raspberry PI promoves eletric signals to the switchs of the ligths of the house.
The S.O addopted to Raspberry was a UNIX, Raspbian, first you must update the repos of system with
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
After you must install proftpd, with follow command
sudo apt install proftpd
After instalation, verify if python3 is already installed at system with python3 -V
, it must output Python 3.x.y or something like, now you must install pip for python 3, with
sudo apt-get install python3-pip -y
You also will need to install firebase package with pip, running pip3 install --upgrade firebase_admin
To comunicate with Raspberry PINs through Python, you must install RPi.GPIO with
sudo apt install RPi.GPIO -y
With RPi.GPIO installed, copy the file pi-home.py located at root folder of the repository, and paste into Raspberry. After that, run python3 pi-home.py
and the Raspberry will be able to set the outputs to make the switchs of the lights
npm install
quasar dev
npm run lint
quasar build